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Eoracle Operator Setup

This guide will walk you through the process of registering as an operator to Eoracle AVS.


  1. Registered Eigenlayer Operator Account: Ensure you have a fully registered Eigenlayer operator account. If you don't have one, follow the steps in the Eigenlayer User Guide to create and fund your account.

Software/Hardware Requirement

  • Operating System: linux amd x64
  • vCPUs: 2
  • Memory: 4GiB
  • Storage: 100GB
  • EC2 Equivalent: m5.large
  • Expected Network Utilization:
    • Total download bandwidth usage: 1 Mbps
    • Upload bandwidth usage: 1 Mbps
  • Open Ports:
    • 3000 Grafana dashboards
    • 9090 Prometheus

Operator Setup

​Prepare Local Eoracle data validator files

Clone this repo and execute the following commands

git clone
cd Eoracle-operator-setup
cp data-validator/.example_env data-validator/.env

Copy Eoracle-operator-setup/data-validator/.example_env into Eoracle-operator-setup/data-validator/.env.
Edit the Eoracle-operator-setup/data-validator/.env and update the values for your setup

Generate a BLS pair (recommended)

The register process requires two sets of private keys: an ecdsa private key and a bls private key,
We recommend creating a new BLS pair for security reasons. If you want to create a new BLS pair, you can generate a new BLS pair that will be dedicated to Eoracle

./ generate-bls-key

Encrypt your private keys (recommended)

Encrypt your private keys. The encrypted private keys will be stored using the EO_KEYSTORE_PATH field. This is the recommended approach. if you encrypt a pasted private key it will never be saved as is anywhere.

./ encrypt <your ecdsa private key> <your bls private key>

Work with plain text private keys (discouraged)

If you don't want to encrypt your private keys, update them in the data-validator/.env file
This approach is highly discouraged. We recommend encrypting the private keys and never saving them anywhere on any machine.

EO_BLS_PRIVATE_KEY=<your ecdsa private key>
EO_ECDSA_PRIVATE_KEY=<your bls private key>

Register with Eoracle AVS

Operators need to have a minimum of 32 ETH delegated to them to opt-in to Eoracle. Execute the following command

./ register

The output should look like

Registering operator with address <your address> 
Opted into slashing with Service Manager at address 0x9546536FdAb1903e9c263923106eA5a4A44C4159
Registered Operator with Coordinator at address 0xd8eA2939cE17316b7CA2F86b121EB9c7c94c39c0 with tx hash 0x28b4b463762d917c514b0e0a5b6b8e65187a4ea43f2ab146672ba22d6b7aaa81
Awaiting finalization of registration
Awaiting finalization of registration
Awaiting finalization of registration
Successfully registered operator

Troubleshooting the register command.

salt already spent - if you get the following error:

Failed to create RegisterOperator transaction execution reverted: AVSDirectory.registerOperatorToAVS: salt already spent

Please add EO_SALT=<salt_in_hex> field to your .env file and retry runnning register.
(*) the EO_SALT should be in the following format EO_SALT=0x04 (even length hex number, and could be any number but must be even length)

Checking the status of Eoracle operator AVS

The following command will print the status of the operator

./ print-status

The output should look like Starting oprcli print-status 
{"level":"info","ts":1712824061.311895,"caller":"logging/zap_logger.go:49","msg":"Operator Status","status":"REGISTERED"}
{"level":"info","ts":1712824061.3466434,"caller":"logging/zap_logger.go:49","msg":"Operator stake update","stake":"1000","block number":1253026}