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A webserver and client for playing boardgames. The server uses the Spring Framework and the client uses homebrewed JavaScript. They communicate mainly using STOMP over websockets.


Jokatu has a few games implemented; they exist mainly as an excuse to build up some simple components for planned games. As you might be able to tell, they're not particularly exciting.

Preëxisting games

  • Rock/Paper/Scissors
  • Noughts and Crosses
  • Sevens

Other games

  • Uzta
    • Played on a graph produced from a random Delaunay triangulation of the unit square.
    • Nodes of the graph produce resources when a D12 lands on one of their values.
      • Nodes have 1–3 values, so some nodes produce more frequently than others.
      • There are three types of resources, which are denoted by the shapes □, ○ and ◇.
    • Resources can be harvested from a node by owning an incoming edge to that node.
      • Owning multiple edges to the same node adds to the yield.
    • Players start with two free edges each and can purchase more edges with the resources they gain.
      • Edges cost one of each of the resources plus one resource per value and type of the two end nodes.
    • The game is played in turns in which the following happens:
      1. The die is rolled and resources are distributed.
      2. Players can purchase edges with their resources.
      3. When the player wishes, they can pass the turn to the next player.
    • Between turns, players can trade with other players or the supply.
      1. Players can trade resources with other players at a mutually agreed rate.
      2. They can exchange their resources for others with the supply at a ratio of 3:1.
    • Players earn one point per edge they own.
    • TODO:
      • The game needs to have an end condition.
      • Players should earn more points for cyclic paths and surrounding a node.

Other ‘games’

  • A rudimentary chat client called Echo
    • The players' ‘moves’ are to send messages to the board
  • The Game of Games
    • The players' ‘moves’ are to create other games


A message broker for STOMP

Option 1: RabbitMQ

  • Install RabbitMQ
  • Enable the STOMP plugin rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stomp