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Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:DreamUnit/minddaily-backend.git

Setting up Serverside

Enter the server directory

cd minddaily-backend

Install dependencies

npm install

Change .env.example to development.env

cp .env.example development.env

OPTIONAL FOR PRODUCTION: Change .env.example to production.env

cp .env.example production.env

build the docker image

cd docker/development && docker compose build

compose the docker image, starting the mongodb container and server container if in development.

docker-compose up -d

If all is successful, you should see something like:

Server ready at: http://localhost:8082/

Open a fresh terminal and run graphql codegen to generate types

npm run codegen

Optional: run test suite

npm test

Optional: seed database with faux data. Run from: minddaily-backend/

docker exec -it development-server-1 npm run seed