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Minimalistic Typing Test in C/C++


Sample Webp


Long term project in progress.

A dependency free typing test application that aims to be a C++ implementation of Monkeytype. Contains the fundamental features including custom test settings, user settings, themes, dictionaries, fonts, sounds, screenshots, and various UI features including hovering hints, toggles, scrolling, interactive results graph, text input boxes, etc. Written from scratch in C++ with OpenGL drawing functions provided by Raylib and a simple json parser provided by RSJ. As a result, executable runs without any setup on most Windows platforms as DLLs come with Windows 10 and 11. Linux is also supported with installation of a few libraries. Tested to be lightweight enough to easily reach above 60 fps on your dying 2-core 2GB ram chromebook.


Test has similar behavior to Monkeytype: pressing space too early will jump to the next word, backspace is ignore if previous word is correctly typed, space is ignored if you haven't started the next word, etc. Test statistics are calculated as follows:

Statistic Description
WPM Number of characters typed in only correct words divided by seconds elapsed (characters/second) converted to words/minute. All characters from an incorrectly typed word are ignored.
Accuracy Percentage of characters that were typed correctly, regardless of whether it was in a correctly typed word.
Raw WPM Raw WPM is the WPM of the full test not counting incorrect characters.
Consistency Calculated using the coefficient of variation mapped from 0% to 100% by dividing the coefficient by a worst case variation.
Instantaneous WPM The WPM from the last 5 seconds (displayed as instant in graph results hint).


CType has many features despite being implemented from scratch, including:

  • Executable directly runs with no dependencies (on Windows)
  • Can theoretically compile on all platforms Raylib compiles on
  • Extremely lightweight and offline
  • Input custom test time, set punctuation and numbers settings
  • Real-time setting updating and saving
  • Smooth scrolling tape mode, adaptive to instantaneous WPM
  • Theme loading with almost all Monkeytype CSS themes
  • Font loading with most Monkeytype fonts and extra commonly used fonts
  • Custom dictionary for tests with ASCII Monkeytype dictionaries included
  • Sound effect loading with Monkeytype custom sounds
  • Asset folder loading - easily drag in your own custom assets
  • Signed distance fields fragment shader for anti-aliased text
  • Embedded default font, images, and other resources as header files with an exporter program
  • Simple multi-threaded asset loading
  • Full test results graph with Monkeytype statistics and interactions (hover)
  • Screenshots that save to dedicated folder
  • Json data and setting loading


The only dependency is Raylib, which already has static libraries for Windows and Linux included in the lib folder. The makefile currently automatically detects Windows versus Linux operating systems. Feel free to make custom tweaks.


Call mingw32-make all in the root directory of the project to compile the executable. Call mingw32-make run to run the .exe, or run it directly by other means. If you want to compile and run the .exe in one command, call mingw32-make default.

  • Call mingw32-make clean to remove all old object files.
  • Call mingw32-make release after cleaning to compile a release version of the .exe. This will be a bit slower due to static compilation.

Note that some may use make instead of mingw32-make which is typically installed from MSYS2. Use whatever Makefile command you prefer.


For Linux, libraries required by Raylib must be installed: For example, on Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt install libasound2-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev

Makefile commands are the same as that of windows.


If you just want to try the application, visit for instructions. Download the zipped folder which contains the executable and proper folder structure. The location you place the master folder does not matter.

For Windows 10 and 11, you will likely be able to directly start using the application. Linux may require a bit of setup.


  • Weak antialiasing for shapes and lines, especially evident with circular shapes and interpolation line in results graph. Solution will require tweaks in the OpenGL functions of the Raylib library. Nvidia control panel FXAA fixes these jagged curves yet ruins the color for small text. A fragment shader FXAA also fixes curves, yet is much worse by completely removing pixels, thin lines, etc.
  • Issue with Raylib SDF font loading: loaded text have very thin black outlines which can make them difficult to read. Only noticeable for reading thin text for themes with light text on a light background.
  • Only regular ASCII character support for now.
  • Screen scaling keeps a 1920x1080 ratio with black padding to fill the rest, possibly add custom ratio.


License: MIT