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Folders and files

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Send or receive files over UDP. Start the receiver first, then the sender.


  • Mode: send, recv
  • Filename
  • Sender address (IP:Port)
  • Recvr address (IP:Port)


python send somefile01.txt

python recv somefile01.txt


Socket timeout in both modes is set to 20 seconds by default. If you're sending a big file and the program might take longer than 10 seconds to read and process the data, consider increasing the value of sock_timeout in the script, to avoid reaching socket timeout.

Program flow:

  • Receiver starts and waits for SendReq.
  • Sender starts, reads and process file data, and sends SendReq containing chunk count, file checksum and other other data.
  • Receiver receives SendReq, stores the data and sends SendAccept.
  • Sender receives SendAccept and sends FilePkt containing chunk data.
  • Receiver receives FilePkt and sends FilePktAck containing chunk checksum. Sender will use this checksum to confirm that the correct chunk data was received by receiver.
  • Previous two steps repeat until receiver has received last FilePkt.
  • Upon receiving last FilePkt, receiver sends EOFPkt, writes data to file and terminates. EOFPkt contains file data checksum.
  • Sender receives EOFPkt, confirms whether the file data checksum matches, and terminates.

Message Format:

  • Byte 0: Magic Number
  • Byte 1: MsgType: SendReq, SendAccept, FilePkt, FilePktAck, EOFPkt
  • Byte 2-5: Data Size
  • Byte 6-n: Data (depends on MsgType)
    • SendReq
      • Byte 6-9: Total number of FilePkts
      • Byte 10: Address Data Offset
      • Byte 11: Address Data Size
      • Byte 12: FileDataChecksum Offset
      • Byte 13: FileDataChecksum Size
      • Byte 14-17: DataBlob Size
      • Byte 18-n: Data Blob.
        • NOTE: Offsets and sizes will help you determine how to read data from blob. Offsets are relative to starting position of data blob.
        • General layout: Address Data | FileDataChecksum
    • SendAccept
      • Byte 6: Address Data Size
      • Byte 7-n: Adress Data
    • FilePkt
      • Byte 6-9: ChunkNumber
      • Byte 10-13: ChunkSize
      • Byte 14-n: ChunkData
    • FilePktAck
      • Byte 6-9: ChunkNumber
      • Byte 10-13: ChunkDataChecksumSize
      • Byte 14-n: ChunkDataChecksum (MD5)
    • EOFPkt
      • Byte 6-9: Total FilePkts received
      • Byte 10: FileDataChecksumSize
      • Byte 11-n: FileDataChecksum (MD5, full file data)