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This is the client for the DataVaultServer







Arch linux

You can find the datamanager cli client in the AUR: datamanager-cli-git.



make build && sudo make install

(Go 1.11+ is required)


Run manager setup <host> to create a configuration file and login.
Alternatively you can use manager setup <host> --register to create an account instead of loggin in.
If you want to create a config and don't want to login/register at all, run manager setup <host> --no-login
If Your server has no valid SSL certificate, but you want to use it anyway (not recommended), use the --Ignore-cert flag.


Use manager register to create an account. The allowregistration must be set to true in the server config.
Use manager login to login into your account



autofilepreview Preview files using the default application. If you turn it off you will see the file content in the terminal defaultorder The default order for listing files. (id, name, size, pubname, created, namespace). Add '/r' at the end to reverse the order
defaultdetails The depth of details if no --details flag was set
trimnameafter Trims filename after n chars and append a ... to the end of the filename


namespace The default namespace to use
tags Specify tags to use as default for uploading filetags
groups Specify groups to use as default for uploading filegroups


manager [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

Tipp: Run manager --help-man | man -l - to view the manpage of manager



eval "$(manager --completion-script-bash)"


eval "$(manager --completion-script-zsh)"


A keyring is a secure storage for passwords, keys and token. This app can and should use one. This is required in order to use a keyring.


The keystore is a local folder containing all of your keys and a sqlite database with the keys assigned to the files. You can use a custom directory to store them secure (eg using an encrypted vault). Have in mind, that all of those keys are stored unencrypted, so watch for it's access permissions.
To use it run "manager keystore create ". Your keys will be saved in this directory automatically manager keystore --help shows you a list with available commands.



  • Setup manager setup <serverURL> // create a new config and login. Use --register if you want to create an account instead of logging in
  • Register manager register
  • Login manager login


  • Upload and share your .bashrc manager upload -t dotfile -g myLinuxGroup --public ~/.bashrc
  • Upload and encrypt your .bashrc manager upload ~/.bashrc --encrypt aes -r 32/24/16
  • Upload and your home directory compressed manager upload ~/ --compress
  • List files manager ls
  • List files having the a tag called 'dotfile' manager ls -t dotfile
  • Delete file by ID manager file rm 123
  • Delete file by Name manager file rm aUniqueName.go
  • Delete all files in namespace manager file rm % -ay
  • Edit a file manager file edit 123
  • Add tags to a file manager file update --add-tags t1,t2
  • Publish a file manager publish <fileID>
  • UnPublish a file manager unpublish <fileID>


  • List all your namespaces manager namespaces
  • Create a namespace manager namespace create <name>
  • Delete a namespace manager namespace delete <name>
  • Download all files insisde a namespace manager namespace download <name>

Nice to have

Here is a list with useful facts abouth this system:

  • All file mods (encryption/decryption, compression, archiving) are hooked while streaming, so there is no extra time waiting for them
  • Filenames can be wildcarded using %
  • You can upload all files in a directory without archiving using --no-archive
  • If you didn't install the client from a repository, you can view the manpage using manager --help-man | /usr/bin/man -l -
  • Many subcommands have aliases. For instance file -> f, download -> dl, edit -> e, update -> u
  • Use --set-clip to copy the URL of a published file directly into your clipboard