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Work in progress: This repo is currently being updated, once updated a new stable version will be released.



💠 Rita 💠

A Discord bot with some cool features
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Rita is your bot helper with simple to use commands and only responds to the owner. Created in Discord.JS v12 this bot is lightweight and fast. Some features include: AI chat, text tags, music commands, and more!

⚠️ NOTE: Due to the existence of text/image tags, the bot cannot be hosted on Heroku, my version is hosted on a Raspberry Pi.

Image tags


Text tags



Rita logs command use in a clear way with the runtime for each command in seconds TEXT_TAGS

How to Use

⚠️ NOTE: This bot's complexity of the code is not meant for beginners and might be confusing. But if you do not know how it works, I will gladly help you. (Discord: Kurasad#2521). This bot is made for advanced programmers; if you cannot understand anything about this bot, it might not be the right fit for you.

After forking the project add the proper information for the following files.

Find .env.example in the directory ./.env.example and rename the file to .env and edit the file, the following should be shown


Fill in with the proper information (Go to the Discord Developer Portal and get a bot token), The prefix checks for args instead of characters so use a prefix such as rita pls instead of !r Need help getting a token?

Once the .env file is properly filled out open the following directory ./resources/util.js.example

Fill out the information with the required data

module.exports = {
    owner: {
        id: "OWNER_DISCORD_ID",
        link: "OWNER_SOCIAL_LINK",
        site: "OWNER_WEBSITE_LINK",
    main: "#MAIN_EMBED_COLOR_HEX",
    failed: "#FF0000",
    loading: "#2E6FD6",
    key: {
        alexa: "aw2plm",
        google: "GOOGLE_API_KEY"

Need help getting your User ID? or Need help getting a Google API key?

⚠️NOTE: The Alexa API key is a public key from NPM alexa-bot-api

⚠️NOTE: The owner id is important, without it the bot will not respond to anyone. Remember, this is a private bot so it will only respond to the owner

Then, rename the folder data.example to just data

⚠️NOTE: The data folder is where data for the bot is saved, without renaming it, the bot will likely crash.

Once those three things are updated, 'cd' to the bot directory through terminal/command prompt

run npm i and then node rita.js

⚠️NOTE: The index file is rita.js and not index.js, and npm i will install all the necessary modules for the bot to function.


Feedback is an amazing thing and feature additions are awesome, but to keep this bot simple I will try to only accept requests that do not change the bot much or majorly impact the speed.

I am the bot creator of Jonin and after many requests wanted to make a simpler bot for public use.

If you understand this code, amazing.. come hangout with me or help me develop Jonin

Command list as of October 12, 2020

I will be settting the prefix to mine (rita pls) in the table below

General Music
rita pls about
rita pls ask
rita pls debug
rita pls directory
rita pls eval
rita pls explain
rita pls help
rita pls img
rita pls ping
rita pls reload
rita pls source
rita pls tag
rita pls uptime
rita pls loop
rita pls np
rita pls pause
rita pls play
rita pls preset
rita pls queue
rita pls remove
rita pls resume
rita pls search
rita pls shuffle
rita pls skip
rita pls stop
rita pls volume

Guides below 👇

Need help getting a bot token? (Made on October 12, 2020)

Step 1: Discord Developer Portal

Go to the Discord Developer Portal and either make a new application or pick the application that you want to use for this bot. Bot Token Step 1

Step 2: Making the bot

Once an application is chosen, direct yourself to the Bot tab, this is where you can create a bot to add to your server. Bot Token Step 2

Step 3: Getting the token

After you read the popup and agree by clicking Yes, do it!, you will have a bot to use. Copy the token field of the new bot by either clicking on the Copy field or clicking on Click to Reveal Token and copying the string. Bot Token Step 3

Step 4: Putting it on the bot

The last thing to do is to put it on the bot, to do this open the .env file found at ./.env, paste the token in the TOKEN= field. Bot Token Step 4

Need help getting your User ID? (Made on October 12, 2020)

Step 1: Go to Discord

Start by going to Discord's website and logging in with the account that you want the bot to respond to. Then click on your user settings icon. User ID Step 1

Step 2: Enable Developer Mode

Direct yourself to the Appearence Tab in settings and scroll down to view and toggle the Developer Mode setting if not already done. User ID Step 2

Step 3: Getting the ID

After the Developer Mode has been enabled, you can close the setting by clicking the X icon in the top right or using the esc key on your keyboard. Now right click on your user, and click on Copy ID, this is the ID that you want to put into the id field of the util.js file located in ./resources/util.js User ID Step 3

Need help getting a Google API key? (Made on October 12, 2020)

Step 1: Go to the Developer Console

Visit Google's API Dashboard and create a new application, or choose an application that you have already created for this bot. Google API Step 1

Step 2: Create the project

Give the project a name and then click on the Create button to make the project. Google API Step 2

Step 3: Enabing the API

Once the project is created make sure you are currently viewing the information for that project. Then click on + Enable APIs and Services to search for the YouTube Data API v3 Google API Step 3: Img 1

When you find the Data API for YouTube, click on it. Google API Step 3: Img 2

You need to enable this API for the bot to get access to it. Google API Step 3: Img 3

Step 4: Getting the API Key

Go to the credentials tab once the API has been enabled. Then click on + Create Credentials > API Key. Google API Step 4 You should now be able to see a popup with a key, copy that key and put it into the google field of the util.js file located in ./resources/util.js