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Instructions for developers

Guy Luz edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome developers

To make sure that the program can interact with your device pins please do the Setting up the device Wiki page, if you want to run the code without pin iteration you can continue without that part.

In the terminal do the following

  1. Clone the project and enter it

git clone

cd CBJ_Smart-Device

  1. Install zip, Run the scripts to download dartsdk zip for your CPU architecture, extract it, and delete the zip

sudo apt install zip


unzip dartsdk-*.zip

rm dartsdk-*.zip

  1. (2.5) If you want that the code to interact with you device pins you need to run the script with that command (check that your device is supported, if not the program will not interact with your device pins when running)


  1. Get all the dependency's of the software run this commands

cd SmartDeviceDart

../dart-sdk/bin/pub get --no-precompile

cd ..

  1. Now that everything is ready all that is left to do is run our software

sudo dart-sdk/bin/dart SmartDeviceDart/bin/main.dart .

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