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A complete walk through tutorial of Python basics and fundamental. Learn python data-types, conditions, loops, functions classes and other built-in functions and methods.


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Python Tutorials Series

Note: Inclusion of the various Python-Topics is under active development.

i) Programming Languages ii) Why Python iii) Installing Python
iv) Installing code editor v) Hello World program iv) Styles and Conventions

2. Python Data-Types

i) Variables ii) Built-in data types iii) Strings
iv) Numbers v) List vi) Tuple
vii) Dictionary viii) Sets

3. Conditions And Operators

i) If-statement ii) Comparison Operators iii) Logical operators

4. Loops

i) For loop ii) While loop

5. Input and Print Functions

i) Input function ii) Print Functions

6. Modules, Packages, Libraries & Frameworks

i) Modules ii) Packages Library
i) Frameworks

7. Classes

Separate repository covering Python classes in detail. Following topics are covered in it.

i) Introduction to classes ii) Reason for creating a class iii) class keyword & init method
iv) Naming a 'class' v) Instance of a class vi) Attributes and Methods
vii) Instance and class variables viii) Instance, class and static methods ix) dir(), help(class), MRO, is_instance and dict methods
x) Use of property decorator xi) OOPs concepts

8. Must-Know Concepts

i) Args & Kwargs ii) Continue and Break statements iii) Functions as first class objects
iv) Using name == main v) Zip function vi) Lambda function
vii) Ternary operators viii) Max function ix) Ord & Chr
x) Sort and Sorted xi) Len and Count xii) Mutable and Immutable data types
xiii) Error and Exception Handling xiv) Creating Virtual Environment xv) Pypi, Pip & Installing packages

9. Advanced Concepts

i) Comprehensions ii) Generators iii) Decorators
iv) Coroutines v) Asyncio vi) Multi-Threading
vii) Multi-processing viii) Callable objects ix) Ellipsis
x) Higher Order Functions

10. Built-In Modules

i) calendar ii) collections iii) concurrent
iv) copy v) csv vi) dataclasses
vii) dis viii) enum ix) functools
x) itertools xi) json xii) logging
xiii) math xiv) os xv) pathlib
xvi) pickle xvii) random xviii) re
xix) shutil xx) socket xxi) string
xxii) time xxiii) timeit xxiv) typing


None of the above is an affiliated link. And let me admit that Fluent Python By Luciano Ramalho is my favorite book on Python and it is almost impossible for me to write about Python without being affected by this book.

All specific references are quoted at the related page.


A complete walk through tutorial of Python basics and fundamental. Learn python data-types, conditions, loops, functions classes and other built-in functions and methods.








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