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Welcome to Helium, an open-source GPA manager designed specifically for Phillips Exeter students. This project aims to streamline the process of tracking and managing grades, making it easier for students to stay organized and focused on their academic performance.

Getting Started

Getting a Task

To contribute to Helium, you need to request a task from one of the project heads. This can be done by reaching out to one of them through the emails Contact section. Once a task is assigned, an issue and branch will be opened for you.


After obtaining a role, you can actively contribute to Helium by working on the assigned issue in the corresponding branch. Make sure to follow the Development Workflow outlined below.

Development Workflow

  1. Verify that you are in the correct branch.
  2. Pull the latest changes from the remote repository.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Lint, type-check, and format your code:
    npm run lint
    npm run type
    npm run fmt
  5. Commit your changes using commitizen:
    npm run commit
  6. Push your changes to the remote repository.
  7. Create a pull request to merge your branch into the main branch.
  8. Wait for the project heads to review your pull request.
  9. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main branch.
  10. The issue will be closed and the branch will be deleted.


Project Heads