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Brick extension to provide shgif, an ASCII art gif format made by Cj-bc


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Implement Cj-bc/shgif on jtdaugherty/brick
The shgif format is changed so that doesn't support original Cj-bc/shgif format.
I write quick tour here, but for detailed informations for each module, please refer to haddock(you can generate haddock files by doing stack haddock).


You can find some code examples under example/codes/.
Example Shgif files are under example/shgifs/.

stack run example/shgifs/face_blinking.yaml


Build & install shgif viewer

# only build
$ stack build
# execute viewer without installing
$ stack run
# install binary `shgifViewer` to `~/.local/bin`
$ stack install


  1. write data by using shgif format (document on docs/
  2. execute stack run <file>

Quick Tour: How to use as Library

Modules which are exposed

Currently, this provides those modules:

      - Events
      - Widgets
  - Type
  - Loader
  - Updater

Use shgif widget in your Brick app

To use shgif Widget, you should do:

  1. Load Shgif by Loader
  2. Create customMain that adds some event that will be called by fixed time(if nothing you have, use TickEvent)
  3. Use TickEvent as e of App s e n (if you choose to use it)
  4. Call Updater each time 2. event occurs (This will update shgif's internal tick counter)
  5. Call shgif widget with Shgif object

1. Use Loader to load from file/Other data

Firstly, you should load Shgif data from files or other data.
Shgif.Loader module provides lots of ways to do this.

import Data.Yaml (ParseException)
import Shgif.Loader (fromFile)

main = do
  sgf <- fromFile "filename" :: IO (Either ParseException Shgif)

2. Create customMain that adds tick event

The tick event tell Shgif how much time has been left, and which frame to render.
If you already have some custom event that'll do the same job, you can use them.
If not, you can use TickEvent found in Brick.Extensions.Shgif.Events
If you don't need to do other jobs in main, you can use mainWithTick function to automatically adding TickEvent to your app.

import Brick.Extensions.Shgif.Events (mainWithTick)
import Brick (App)
import Brick.Loader (fromFile)
import Data.Yaml (ParseException)

data Name = SomeName -- you should define n of `App s e n`

app :: App s TickEvent Name
app = App ...

main = do
  sgf <- fromFile "filename"
  sgf' <- -- do some job to get inner `Shgif`

  finalSate <- mainWithTick Nothing 1000 app sgf'

4. Call Updater

The Updater function in Shgif.Updater module will update Shgif's internal tick state, which will affect frame rendering.
As all of them is in IO monad, it can be called inside brick's EventM monad.

-- eHandler is used `appHandleEvent` for `App`
eHandler s (AppEvent Tick) = do
    let oldsgf = ... -- get old Shgif data
    newsgf <- liftIO (updateNormal oldsgf)
    continue $ ... -- continue with replacing oldsgf with newsgf

Looping and Reversing

Those functions below will control looping and reversing

function reversed looped
updateNormal No Yes
updateNoLoop No No
updateReversed Yes Yes
updateReversedNoLoop Yes No

Control more flexibly

The function updateTo will update internal tick to make it closer to given number.
If internal tick is equal to the given number, it won't change anything.

5. Use shgif widget

It's in Brick.Extensions.Widget.Shgif.
You can use it the same way as other widgets

ui s = [border $ shgif sgf]
    sgf = ... -- get Shgif data from s