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This repo provides a demonstration of Cisco pyATS with a NetDevOps style workflow.


  • Python 2.7
  • Docker


Make sure virl cli is configured


Clone this repo / create virtualenv / install requirements

git clone
cd pyats-ios-sample
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch topology

virl up

It may take a minute to boot the nodes, make sure that you allow enough time for the topology to boot. This can be verified using the virl ls and virl nodes commands

Sample outputs

virl ls

Running Simulations
│ Simulation                      │ Status   │ Launched                   │ Expires   │
│ pyats-ios-sample_default_UbI56G │ ACTIVE   │ 2017-12-13T22:02:36.810310 │           │

virl nodes

    Here is a list of all the running nodes

│ Node      │ Type     │ State   │ Reachable   │ Protocol   │ Management Address   │ External Address   │
│ ~mgmt-lxc │ mgmt-lxc │ ACTIVE  │ REACHABLE   │ ssh        │         │      │
│ ios2      │ IOSv     │ ACTIVE  │ UNREACHABLE │ telnet     │         │ N/A                │
│ ios1      │ IOSv     │ ACTIVE  │ UNREACHABLE │ telnet     │         │ N/A                │

Generate pyATS testbed inventory

The virlutils package provides us an easy way of dynamically generating a testbed definition with the accurate connectivity information for the simulation.

virl generate pyats


Launch pyATS test suite

make test

Sample output

2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |                             Task Result Summary                              |
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.commonSetup                                    PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.PingTestcase[device=ios1]                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.PingTestcase[device=ios2]                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.VerifyInterfaceCountTestcase[device=ios1]      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.VerifyInterfaceCountTestcase[device=ios2]      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example.commonCleanup                                  PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO:
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |                             Task Result Details                              |
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: __task1: pyats_ios_example
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |-- commonSetup                                                           PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- check_topology                                                    PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- establish_connections                                             PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |   |-- Step 1: Connecting to Router-1                                PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |   `-- Step 2: Connecting to Router-2                                PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- marking_interface_count_testcases                                 PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |-- PingTestcase[device=ios1]                                             PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- ping[destination=]                                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- ping[destination=]                                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |-- PingTestcase[device=ios2]                                             PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- ping[destination=]                                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- ping[destination=]                                      PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |-- VerifyInterfaceCountTestcase[device=ios1]                             PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- extract_interface_count                                           PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- verify_interface_count                                            PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |-- VerifyInterfaceCountTestcase[device=ios2]                             PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   |-- extract_interface_count                                           PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- verify_interface_count                                            PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: `-- commonCleanup                                                         PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO:     `-- disconnect                                                        PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO:         |-- Step 1: Disconnecting from Router-1                           PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO:         `-- Step 2: Disconnecting from Router-2                           PASSED
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: No SMTP server information configured, ignoring sending notification email.
2017-12-13T23:01:17: %EASYPY-INFO: Done!

pyATS details

This repo contains a full test script in pyATS with local libraries that connects to a testbed of IOS devices, and runs various test cases that parses command outputs, collects router information, and report them in log.

General Information


This script requires one script argument testbed to be passed in when run under standalone execution for demonstration purposes. testbed: the path to testbed yaml file

This script requires one script argument testbed_file and two optional script argument ios1 and ios2 to be passed in when run under easypy for demonstration purposes.

testbed_file: the path to testbed yaml file
ios1: the device name defined in the testbed yaml file, if modified
ios2: the device name defined in the testbed yaml file, if modified


    +-------------+                                      +-------------+
    |             |                                      |             |
    |    ios1     | ------------------------------------ |    ios2     |
    |             |          Gig0/1 <-> Gig0/1           |             |
    +-------------+                                      +-------------+

## Testing

This script performs the following tests for demonstration purposes.

- router connection: basic device connection test
- `ping` command: basic device ping test; logs ping result.
- interface count verification
  - execute `show version` command: basic command execution and data
    parsing; extract ethernet and serial interface counts; logs interface
  - execute `show ip interface brief` command: basic command execution and
    data parsing; extract all ethernet and serial interfaces; logs number of
    interface counts.
  - verify ethernet and serial interface counts from above commands.
- router disconnect: basic device disconnect test

## Examples

to run under standalone execution

$ python --testbed pyats_ios_example.yaml

to run under easypy

$ easypy -testbed_file pyats_ios_example.yaml

   For the complete and up-to-date user guide on pyATS, visit: