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Over the course of 2 weeks, we used data taken from Kaggle to create informational interactive graphs. Our original data contained over 160k songs, which we then narrowed down to 41,450 songs to focus on a certain years of interest (2000-2020).

The following steps were taken in order to complete this project:

Front- end

Using javascript, css and html coding, we created an interface that shows the user a summary of our data

  • Our horizontal group bar graph shows specific music variables used to create music in certain years.
  • Standard bar graph which shows which years had more explicit songs.
  • Scattered graph which shows the top 10 songs for choosen year.

Pic1.png Pic2.png

Back- end

  • We set up a database using sql and imported the csv file. See the code Here
  • We then created an API for our sql to be able to call the data. See the code Here
  • Using the API and sqlachemy, We connected to the sql database and we jsonified the data. See the code Here
  • Using d3.json we read the data into the javascript plotly to make the graphs. See the code Here


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