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An API wrapper for Rainbow Six Seige written in JavaScript.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Getting Started
  3. Functions
  4. Support


npm i r6statapi

Getting Started

To get started you will need a Ubisoft login, it is best to create a new account and not the account you normally use. Create a new account here

The example below has the email and password variables hardcoded but it would be better to use dotenv to manage environment variables.

import r6statapi from 'r6statapi';

const api = new r6statapi();

// replace with your own information
const email = "[email protected]"
const password = "Password123"
const usermame = "User1"
const platform = "uplay"

// login and get token
const token = await api.getAuth(email, password)

// fetch user by username
const user = await api.getUserByUsername(userName, platform);

// example response
  profileId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
  userId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
  platformType: 'uplay',
  idOnPlatform: 'AFC2AFEC-B9ED-4988-BFFA-58E78EEDFA93',
  nameOnPlatform: 'CaleyW1'


Table of Contents

  1. Auth
  2. GetUserByUsername
  3. GetUserByUserId
  4. GetUserProgression
  5. GetServerStatus
  6. GetUserRank
  7. GetUserStats
  8. GetOperators


Signs into the Ubisoft a returns a token.

await api.getAuth(email, password)

Example response


Get user by username

Gets a user by username

await api.getUserByUsername(userName, platform);

Example response

  profileId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
  userId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
  platformType: 'uplay',
  idOnPlatform: 'AFC2AFEC-B9ED-4988-BFFA-58E78EEDFA93',
  nameOnPlatform: 'CaleyW1',
  avatars: {
    '146': '',
    '256': '',
    '500': ''

Get user by userId

Gets a user by userId

await api.getUserById(user.userId, platform);

Example response

    profileId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
    userId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
    platformType: 'uplay',
    idOnPlatform: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
    nameOnPlatform: 'CaleyW1',
    avatars: {
    '146': '',
    '256': '',
    '500': ''
    profileId: 'f02cbe10-2411-43d9-b449-5366888201a2',
    userId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
    platformType: 'steam',
    idOnPlatform: '76561198172917981',
    nameOnPlatform: '76561198172917983',
    avatars: {
    '146': '',
    '256': '',
    '500': ''
    profileId: '91193155-2b57-48f1-b69b-556f5e4ccfea',
    userId: 'afc2afec-b9ed-4988-bffa-58e78eedfa93',
    platformType: 'twitch',
    idOnPlatform: '469658264',
    nameOnPlatform: 'calbob',
    avatars: {
    '146': '',
    '256': '',
    '500': ''

Get user progression

gets the progression for a user

await api.getUserProgression(user.userId, platform);

Example response

  level: 326,
  xp: 129949

Get server status

Returns the status of a platform

platforms: pc, xbox, ps4

await api.getServerStatus(platfrom)

Example response

  platform: 'PC',
  status: 'Online',
  maintenance: null,
  impactedFeatures: []

Get user rank

Returns statistics for different gamemodes

await api.getUserRank(player.userId, platfrom);

Example response

  casual: {
    profile_board_id: 'casual',
    id: '7acf490b-4bfd-40df-97b6-ebbbe6ebc702',
    max_rank: 0,
    max_rank_points: 0,
    platform_family: 'pc',
    rank: 0,
    rank_points: 0,
    rank_name: 'Unranked',
    season_id: 33,
    top_rank_position: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kills: 0,
    abandons: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wins: 0
  event: {
    profile_board_id: 'event',
    id: '7acf490b-4bfd-40df-97b6-ebbbe6ebc702',
    max_rank: 0,
    max_rank_points: 0,
    platform_family: 'pc',
    rank: 0,
    rank_points: 0,
    rank_name: 'Unranked',
    season_id: 33,
    top_rank_position: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kills: 0,
    abandons: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wins: 0
  warmup: {
    profile_board_id: 'warmup',
    id: '7acf490b-4bfd-40df-97b6-ebbbe6ebc702',
    max_rank: 0,
    max_rank_points: 0,
    platform_family: 'pc',
    rank: 0,
    rank_points: 0,
    rank_name: 'Unranked',
    season_id: 33,
    top_rank_position: 0,
    deaths: 12,
    kills: 14,
    abandons: 1,
    losses: 1,
    wins: 0
  standard: {
    profile_board_id: 'standard',
    id: '7acf490b-4bfd-40df-97b6-ebbbe6ebc702',
    max_rank: 0,
    max_rank_points: 0,
    platform_family: 'pc',
    rank: 0,
    rank_points: 0,
    rank_name: 'Unranked',
    season_id: 33,
    top_rank_position: 0,
    deaths: 4,
    kills: 7,
    abandons: 0,
    losses: 1,
    wins: 0
  ranked: {
    profile_board_id: 'ranked',
    id: '7acf490b-4bfd-40df-97b6-ebbbe6ebc702',
    max_rank: 32,
    max_rank_points: 4155,
    platform_family: 'pc',
    rank: 32,
    rank_points: 4100,
    rank_name: 'Unranked',
    season_id: 33,
    top_rank_position: 0,
    deaths: 433,
    kills: 581,
    abandons: 1,
    losses: 56,
    wins: 49

Get User Stats

Get seasonal user statistics

Field Type Required options
userId id yes
platform string yes uplay, xbox, ps4
view string yes seasonal
aggregation string yes summary
gameMode string yes All, Casual, Ranked
teamRole string yes All
season string yes format Y(No.)S(No.) Example Y6S3
const userStats = await api.getUserStats(

Example response

    gameMode: 'all',
    type: 'Seasonal',
    statsType: 'summary',
    statsDetail: 'summary',
    seasonYear: 'Y9',
    seasonNumber: 'S1',
    matchesPlayed: 100,
    roundsPlayed: 619,
    minutesPlayed: 2451,
    matchesWon: 47,
    matchesLost: 53,
    roundsWon: 303,
    roundsLost: 316,
    kills: 574,
    assists: 116,
    death: 414,
    headshots: 217,
    meleeKills: 2,
    teamKills: 2,
    openingKills: 64,
    openingDeaths: 44,
    trades: 21,
    openingKillTrades: 4,
    openingDeathTrades: 4,
    revives: 13,
    distanceTravelled: 113204,
    winLossRatio: 0.8868,
    killDeathRatio: { value: 1.3865, p: 0 },
    headshotAccuracy: { value: 0.378, p: 0 },
    killsPerRound: { value: 0.9273, p: 0 },
    roundsWithAKill: { value: 0.5703, p: 0 },
    roundsWithAMultiKill: { value: 0.2456, p: 0 },
    roundsWithOpeningKill: { value: 0.1034, p: 0 },
    roundsWithOpeningDeath: { value: 0.0711, p: 0 },
    roundsWithKOST: { value: 0.6478, p: 0 },
    roundsSurvived: { value: 0.3312, p: 0 },
    roundsWithAnAce: { value: 0.0048, p: 0 },
    roundsWithClutch: { value: 0.0113, p: 0 },
    timeAlivePerMatch: 631.35,
    timeDeadPerMatch: 175.88,
    distancePerRound: 182.8821

Get Operator

Gets seasonal operator statistics

Field Type Required options
userId Id Yes
platform string Yes uplay, xbox, ps4
view string Yes seasonal
aggregation string Yes operator
gameMode string Yes All, Casual, Ranked
team role string Yes Attacker, Defender
season string Yes format Y(No.)S(No.) Example Y6S3
const operator = await api.getOperators(

Example Response

    "attacker": [
        "type": "Seasonal",
        "statsType": "operators",
        "statsDetail": "Iq",
        "seasonYear": "Y6",
        "seasonNumber": "S3",
        "matchesPlayed": 3,
        "roundsPlayed": 4,
        "minutesPlayed": 12,
        "matchesWon": 1,
        "matchesLost": 2,
        "roundsWon": 2,
        "roundsLost": 2,
        "kills": 2,
        "assists": 0,
        "death": 3,
        "headshots": 1,
        "meleeKills": 0,
        "teamKills": 0,
        "openingKills": 0,
        "openingDeaths": 1,
        "trades": 0,
        "openingKillTrades": 0,
        "openingDeathTrades": 0,
        "revives": 0,
        "distanceTravelled": 604,
        "winLossRatio": 0.5,
        "killDeathRatio": {
          "value": 0.6667,
          "p": 0
        "headshotAccuracy": {
          "value": 0.5,
          "p": 0
        "killsPerRound": {
          "value": 0.5,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithAKill": {
          "value": 0.25,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithMultiKill": {
          "value": 0.25,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithOpeningKill": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithOpeningDeath": {
          "value": 0.25,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithKOST": {
          "value": 0.25,
          "p": 0
        "roundsSurvived": {
          "value": 0.25,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithAnAce": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithClutch": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "timeAlivePerMatch": 80,
        "timeDeadPerMatch": 60,
        "distancePerRound": 151
    "defender": [
        "type": "Seasonal",
        "statsType": "operators",
        "statsDetail": "Ela",
        "seasonYear": "Y6",
        "seasonNumber": "S3",
        "matchesPlayed": 3,
        "roundsPlayed": 3,
        "minutesPlayed": 10,
        "matchesWon": 1,
        "matchesLost": 2,
        "roundsWon": 1,
        "roundsLost": 2,
        "kills": 0,
        "assists": 2,
        "death": 3,
        "headshots": 0,
        "meleeKills": 0,
        "teamKills": 0,
        "openingKills": 0,
        "openingDeaths": 1,
        "trades": 0,
        "openingKillTrades": 0,
        "openingDeathTrades": 0,
        "revives": 0,
        "distanceTravelled": 553,
        "winLossRatio": 0.5,
        "killDeathRatio": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "headshotAccuracy": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "killsPerRound": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithAKill": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithMultiKill": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithOpeningKill": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithOpeningDeath": {
          "value": 0.3333,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithKOST": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsSurvived": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithAnAce": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "roundsWithClutch": {
          "value": 0,
          "p": 0
        "timeAlivePerMatch": 80,
        "timeDeadPerMatch": 40,
        "distancePerRound": 184.3333


For any questions, bugs or feedback, please use our Discord or create an issue on Github