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cjshawMIT edited this page Mar 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

The content player application is a simple ePub reader that is currently compatible with ePub 2 formats. It reads unzipped ePub packages that are formatted like:

Lesson 4/
  |- META-INF/
     |- container.xml
  |- mimetype
  |- OEBPS/
     |- content.opf
     |- toc.ncx

You can find various tools online that will let you unzip an ePub file. The result is a browser-based reader with a side-navigation menu.

ePub content with sidebar navigation on left, expanded

This side-navigation menu can also be collapsed for wider content.

ePub content with sidebar navigation on right, collapsed

Various pieces of ePub metadata are used to construct the elements of the content player. A more detailed description of these can be found in this wiki page.

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