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generate facts from bytecode (source is



  1. 执行git clone
  2. 切换到目录 cd soot-fact-generator
  3. 更新submodule git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. 执行 ./gradlew build进行编译,soot-fact-generator.jarbuild/libs 目录


Usage: soot-fact-generator [options] file...
  --main <class>                        Specify the name of the main class.
  --ssa                                 Generate SSA facts, enabling flow-sensitive analysis.
  --full                                Generate facts by full transitive resolution.
  --allow-phantom                       Allow phantom classes.
  -d <directory>                        Specify where to generate output fact files.
  -i <archive>                          Find classes in <archive>.
  -i-dir <directory>                    Find classes/jar in <directory>.
  -l <archive>                          Find library classes in <archive>.
  -ld <archive>                         Find dependency classes in <archive>.
  -ld-dir <directory>                   Find dependency classes/jar in <directory>.
  -lsystem                              Find classes in default system classes.
  --facts-subset <subset>               Produce facts only for a subset of the given classes [APP, APP_N_DEPS, PLATFORM].
  --ignore-factgen-errors               Continue with the analysis even if fact generation fails.
  --legacy-android-processing           Enable legacy Android XML processing.
  --no-facts                            Don't generate facts (just empty files -- used for debugging).
  --ignore-wrong-staticness             Ignore "wrong static-ness" errors in Soot.
  --lowMem                              Consume less memory.
  --failOnMissingClasses <file>         Terminate if classes are missing (and record them to <file>).
  --also-resolve <class>                Force resolution of class that may not be found automatically.
  --debug                               Enable debug mode (verbose output).
  --log-dir <dir>                       Write logs in directory <dir>.
  --args-file <file>                    Read command-line arguments from <file> (one per line).
  --write-artifacts-map                 Write artifacts map.
Jimple/Shimple generation:
  --generate-jimple                     Generate Jimple/Shimple files in addition to other facts.
  --stdout                              Write Jimple/Shimple to stdout.
Android options:
  --android-jars <archive>              The main Android library JAR (for Android APK inputs). The same jar should be provided in the -l option.
  --decode-apk                          Decompress APK input in facts directory.
  --scan-native-code                    Scan native code found in JAR/APK inputs.
  --R-out-dir <directory>               Specify where to generate R code (when linking AAR inputs).

Supported input archive formats: AAR, APK, JAR, ZIP


java -jar soot-fact-generator.jar -i input.jar  -l /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/rt.jar --generate-jimple --allow-phantom --full -d out


  • -i 指定待分析的jar包
  • -l 指定依赖库
  • --generate-jimple 表示生成中间语言jimple
  • --allow-phantom 大概是允许解析依赖不存在的类
  • --full 表示对所有class进行解析
  • -d 指定输出目录


  • -i-dir 指定待分析的jar目录
  • -ld-dir 指定待分析的依赖目录


java -Xms8g -Xmx12g -jar soot-fact-generator-1.4.2.jar -d weblogic-out -i-dir /root/ByteCodeDL/weblogic --lowMem --allow-phantom --full -lsystem --ignore-factgen-errors