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Muhammad Ubaid Raza edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 26 revisions

v2: Simplicity and Performance First

It must be easy enough to teach a child and fast enough to cause innovation.

v2 Status

Feature Status Notes
FeedForward composition 95%
Recurrent composition 85% Still needs a DataFormatter component
Activation layers 100%
Standard layers 100%
Convolution layers 90% Already built, but the GPU algorithms are being tested against CPU algorithms in Convnetjs here:
JSON out 95% Done, but would like to test across the board once all layers and networks are finished
JSON in 95% Done, but would like to test across the board once all layers and networks are finished
GPU browser 100% Done for WebGL2, with WebGL1, and then CPU fallback.
GPU node 99.99% Will be 98% when GPU.js v2 comes out. Which already meets the stability of GPU.js v1. GPU.js v2, will have more stability. The last 02% will come when this thread/issue is finished: . It was an extension that simply was not yet implemented. - Implemented missing features from HeadlessGL
Layer tests 90% Essentially done, but lets aim for 100% code coverage.
Documentation 90%
End to end test coverage 50%
Demos & Site upgrade 100%
Upgrade recurrent API to use new API 0%

Layer PlayGround

Currently we want to focus our efforts on creating a "layer playground", where we have tons of layers, and they can work with any network type, be it feedforward, or recurrent.

GPU Accelerated

We've put in a considerable amount of work to achieve gpu acceleration, and will eventually be fully gpu, in all networks. The desired library where much of the work has been done is

Easy concepts

The concepts of recurrent and feedforward have always seemed like completely different networks when really there are a few very simple things that make them different. We want to make them so easy anyone can use them:

FeedForward class overview

new FeedForward({
  inputLayer: () => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }
  hiddenLayers: [
    (input) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ },
    /* more layers? by all means... */
    /* `input` here is the output from the previous layer */
  outputLayer: (input) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }

FeedForward class usage example (xor)

import { FeedForward, layer } from 'brain.js';
const { input, feedForward, output } = layer;
const net = new FeedForward({
  inputLayer: () => input({ width: 2 })
  hiddenLayers: [
    input => feedForward({ width: 3 }, input),
  outputLayer: input => output({ width: 1 }, input)
  { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
  { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
]);[0, 0]); // [0][0, 1]); // [1][1, 0]); // [1][1, 1]); // [0]

Recurrent class overview

new Recurrent({
  inputLayer: () => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }
  hiddenLayers: [
    (input, recurrentInput) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ },
    /* more layers? by all means... */
    /* `input` here is the output from the previous layer */
    /* `recurrentInput` here is the output from the previous recurse, or zeros on first go */
  outputLayer: (input) => { /* return an instantiated layer here */ }

Recurrent class usage example (xor)

import { Recurrent, layer } from 'brain.js';
const { input, lstm, peephole, output } = layer;
const net = new Recurrent({
  inputLayer: () => input({ width: 2 }),
  hiddenLayers: [
    (input, recurrentInput) => lstm({ height: 3 }, recurrentInput, input)
  outputLayer: input => output({ width: 1 }, input)
  { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
  { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
  { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
]);[0, 0]); // [0][0, 1]); // [1][1, 0]); // [1][1, 1]); // [0]

Removal of brain.recurrent

brain.recurrent provided a nice means of learning to simplify how to expose the concept of recurrent to the public, in v2 recurrent will essentially become the Recurrent class, so we can remove brain.recurrent, and continue development there.

Distributed learning research

More to come.

v4: Unsupervised learning, spiking neural networks, distributed learning, GAN's