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WP isAdmin

WordPress - Shortcode that can show or hide content to or from administrative users.


This plugin provides provides a simple short code to add or hide custom content to your posts and pages based on whether a user is an administrator (or other role) or not.

This started as a way around having an automatic redirect if somebody belonged to a specific WishListMember membership level but not wanting to redirect off of the page if I was an admin (who always has access to all membership levels.)

This plugin supports GitHub Updater.

Supported shortcodes and default attributes:

[isAdmin roles="administrator"][/isAdmin]
[isNotAdmin roles="administrator"][/isNotAdmin]

[isAdmin] will only show content to users that have administrator role (by default). [isNotAdmin] will hide content to users that have administrator role (by default).

The roles parameter will accept a comma separated list of roles to check against different roles or multiple roles.


1.0.0 (2020-09-17)

  • Initial Version