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Add-on: Bluetooth
Add-on: Bluetooth
Covers both BLE Tracker and Bluetooth Proxy related issues.
Add-on: Climate
Add-on: Climate
Identifies an issue where the system is not functioning as expected.
Suggests features or modifications tailored to specific user groups.
Issue detected on `dev` branch.
Related to improvements or additions needed in project documentation.
Indicates that the issue or pull request has already been reported or submitted.
For suggestions that add new features or improve existing functionalities.
Error: Compiling
Error: Compiling
For issues specifically related to compilation errors.
Error: Initializing
Error: Initializing
Panel stuck on Boot page
Error: Upload TFT
Error: Upload TFT
Pertains to problems encountered during TFT file uploads.
Issues related to the use of different frameworks
👀Missing information
👀Missing information
Additional information needed
Not planned
Not planned
Not currently in the project's roadmap or plans, or not possible at this moment
Page: alarm
Page: alarm
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: boot
Page: boot
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: buttons
Page: buttons
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: climate
Page: climate
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: confirm
Page: confirm
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: cover
Page: cover
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: entities
Page: entities
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: fan
Page: fan
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: home
Page: home
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: light
Page: light
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: media_player
Page: media_player
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: notification
Page: notification
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: screensaver
Page: screensaver
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: utilities
Page: utilities
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Page: weather
Page: weather
Concerns specific to the page's interface or functionality.
Performance related issues.