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PowerShell Scripts

Welcome to my PowerShell scripts! These are random scripts that I create occassionally and use either rarely or almost daily; there's no inbetween.

File Descriptions

Counts the number of lines in a file using the built-in Measure-Object cmdlet.

Pretty-prints JSON using only one command. By default, two piped commands are needed to achieve this. This bring it down to one.

WIP!! Designed to emulate bash's cal command. Very little progress here.

Gives you the size of a given directory. Can take multiple directories. Provides size options from bytes to terabytes; defaults to megabytes.

Using the YouTube Data API, takes a YouTube playlist and calculates the amount of time needed to watch an entire playlist.

Imports an HTML file as a COM object, allowing for easier parsing.

Literally just change main audio output to headphones.

Literally just change main audio output to speakers.

An exact copy of this script from SS64. Really, it's just a good reference for ms-settings shortcuts.


Personal PowerShell scripts that I use.




