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command: build
command: build
All issues related to the build command
command: deploy
command: deploy
All issues related to the deploy command
command: init
command: init
All issues related to the init command
command: login
command: login
All issues related to the login command
command: start
command: start
All issues related to the start command
complexity: days
complexity: days
Issues that need a few days to be resolved
complexity: hours
complexity: hours
Issues that need less than 1 hour to be resolved
complexity: weeks
complexity: weeks
Issues that need more than 1 week to be resolved
Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
os: unix
os: unix
Issues happened on a Unix-like environment
os: windows
os: windows
Issues happened on a Windows environment (not WSL).
pr: blocked
pr: blocked
A PR cannot be merged
pr: lgtm
pr: lgtm
A PR has been reviewed (CI is green) and is ready to be merged
priority: high (P0)
priority: high (P0)
High priority
priority: low (P2)
priority: low (P2)
Low priority
priority: medium (P1)
priority: medium (P1)
Medium priority
runtime: dotnet
runtime: dotnet
Issues related to the .NET runtime (API)
runtime: node
runtime: node
Issues related to the Node.js runtime (API)
runtime: python
runtime: python
runtime: static
runtime: static
Issues related a static app (not API)
scope: api
scope: api
Issues related to the user's application API
scope: app
scope: app
Issues related to the user's application static app
scope: auth
scope: auth
Issues related to the authentication emulator
scope: ci
scope: ci
Issues related to the CI
scope: cli
scope: cli
Issues happened a the ./src/cli level
scope: core
scope: core
Issues happened a the ./src/core level
scope: deploy-client
scope: deploy-client
Issues related to StaticSiteClient
scope: docs
scope: docs
Issues related to the documentation website