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-This is the Arduino code for RGBeatz

-RGBeatz is an open source project for controlling addressable RGB strips using a NODEMCU which is connected to the internet over wifi

-It uses google firebase realtime database to communicate between the app and the MCU

-It also has a real cool music reactive feature which is where the Beatz part of RGBeatz comes in

-It reacts to music from your currently playing track on Spotify using the Spotify audio analytics api(no microphones involved)

-Supports 5 RGB patterns more on the way (20 more)

-Ota update support is on its way

-Uses google account to login u in and associates data with account

  1. download latest release
  2. upload latest RGBeatz.ino to ardino
  3. Ensure u are using ADDRESSABLE WS12B RGB strips with data pin connected on DIGITAL PIN 2 OF THE NODEMCU
  4. run latest RGBeatz.exe(remember u must hav google chrome to run the python app and the flutter app only supports android or iOS)
  5. get the app here
  6. follow steps in the app ...