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Real estate classifieds CRUD app (12.08.22)

CRUD app (CRA-TypeScript build). Check it Live here

Table of Contents


  • Latest web browser to run app on website (Google Chrome)
  • To run git commands you need Git installed
  • To run npm commands you need node installed


a) Download project via git

Run commands in terminal:

git clone
cd real-estate-classifieds-website
npm install

b) Download project manually from GitHub

  1. Download project from this link
  2. Unzip file
  3. Open terminal in project's directory and run npm install


Useful npm scripts - run in project's directory:

Servers and build:

  1. Dev server npm run watch:dev
  2. Build server npm run watch:prod
  3. Production build npm run build:prod

Code formatting scripts

  1. Lint project's code with eslint npm run lint
  2. Fix all linter's warnings npm run lint:fix
  3. Format project's code with prettier npm run format:prettier

Deploying to firebase:

  1. Deploy script npm run deploy


Technologies used during development process:

  • Create-react-app-typescript
  • Material UI v5
  • eslint-prettier
  • React router v6
  • Firebase


  • CRUD operations


Please open an issue for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


You can check out the full license here.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.