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This is an implementation of Othello in Java. Note that you will need some JDK and preferably an IDE to run the code, as a terminal is required to print the result (I used VS code). The game can be run from the "" file.

You can run the game on Replit.

The Java Version used to test the code:

openjdk version "17.0.11" 2024-04-16 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.11+9 (build 17.0.11+9) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.11+9 (build 17.0.11+9, mixed mode, sharing)


  • Single-player and 2-player modes
  • Will check for valid moves
  • Will tell players how many points they will gain for each possible move
  • Will keep track of the score
  • Can handle the end game and inform players of who won
  • Comes with a basic AI player

Example of the board on the terminal

The numbers represent the points you will get by making a move on that coordinate. @ - white team O - Black team

OTHelloGame java - OthelloGame - Visual Studio Code 4_20_2024 3_16_29 PM

Using this to build a Custom Interface

Although this project is built to interact with a terminal, it can easily be modified to work with other user interfaces, such as a GUI.

Basic Helper Classes

There are two small helper classes in this project.

Point Class

A basic class that holds a 2D coordinate (x, y)

// The point can be created with either two numbers or a letter as the x-axis
Point one = new Point(5, 6);
Point two = new Point('A', 5);

//Convert a string to a point in a format that has a letter for the x-axis and then a number for the y-axis
Point three = Point.valueOf("A5");

// simple getters and setters
int x  = three.getX();
int y = three.getY();

Piece Class

A basic class that holds the colour of a piece on the board (BLACK, WHITE, EMPTY)

// empty piece
Piece emptyPiece = new Piece();

// piece with a custom colour (BLACK, WHITE, EMPTY)
Piece whitePiece = new Piece(Tile.WHITE);
Piece blackPiece = new Piece(Tile.BLACK);

// some other helpful methods
whitePiece.isOppositeTo(blackPiece); // true
Piece whitePiece2 = blackPiece.getOpposite();

Board Class

Contains an 8 by 8 board for the game. It also keeps track of the number of pieces each player has on it.

private static Board board = new Board();

// get a piece on the board
Piece piece = board.getPiece(new Point('A', 0));

// set a piece on the board
board.setPiece(piece, new Point('A', 0));

// Get the number of player pieces
int black = board.getNumberOfBlackPieces();
int white = board.getNumberOfWhitePieces();

ArrayList<Point> piecesToFlip = new ArrayList<Point>();
piecesToFlip.add(new Point('A', 0));
piecesToFlip.add(new Point('A', 1));
piecesToFlip.add(new Point('A', 2));
piecesToFlip.add(new Point('A', 3));

// changes all pieces on the specified points to their opposite colour
// For example, if all the pieces in the specified points are white, they will become black

Vaild Moves Class

It is an easy-to-use class that gives you every valid move for a player. All it requires is passing in the current state of the board and the player's pieces' colour.

// Create the valid moves class
private static VaildMoves checker = new VaildMoves(board);

// update it whenever the board changes

// Returns a hashmap
// The key is the coordinate on which the player can play a valid move
//The value contains a list of all the coordinates on which the pieces will be flipped to the current player's colour
// The size of each value's list also represents the number of points the player will get if they choose to move on the coordinate of that value's key
HashMap<Point, ArrayList<Point>> blackMoves = checker.getValidPlayerMoves(Tile.BLACK);

AI Class

An easy-to-use computer player that will play against human players.

// Create the valid moves class

// Pass in the current state of the board and the valid moves the AI can make to get the AI's move.
Point AIMove = AI.makeMove(board, vaildAIMoves);


This is an implementation of the Othello game in Java.







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