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Carefully crafted configuration files to fit my preference.

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AntonFriberg's Dotfiles

My personal configuration files and scripts used under both Arch Linux, Ubuntu and Debian machines. Currently running sway window manager with waybar, wofi application launcher, and alacritty terminal. Utilizes Zinit for Zsh plugin management and binary utilities installation.

Based on the nord colorscheme and managed by yadm.



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Dotfile Installation & Management


I previously used a simple solution to keep my dotfiles under version control which I found on the Atlassian developer blog. This technique is great since according to comments requires:

No extra tooling, no symlinks, files are tracked on a version control system, you can use different branches for different computers, you can replicate you configuration easily on new installation.

However, recently I found yadm, Yet Another Dotfiles Manager, which embraces the same underlying idea but adds a user-friendly interface.


First setup GitHub CLI and login.

$ gh auth login

Arch Linux

Install dependencies using yay or other AUR helper.

$ yay -Syu alacritty zsh curl git sway yadm-git waybar wofi jq

Ubuntu & Debian

Debian and Ubuntu does not provide all dependencies needed in the official repositories unfortunately.

$ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y zsh curl git yadm jq


Install dotfiles.

yadm clone
yadm decrypt
yadm bootstrap

Dotfile Management

# Display yadm’s manual.
man yadm
# Show the repository status
yadm status
# Add file to dotfile management
yadm add .Xresources
# Commit change
yadm commit -m "Add Xresources"
# Send commits to remote repository
yadm push