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Getting Started with Create React App and Redux

LinkedIn Clone is a web application built using ReactJS, Firebase, and Redux.

This application aims to replicate the core features and functionalities of LinkedIn, such as user authentication, profile creation, posting, and feed.

The application's frontend is built using ReactJS, which provides a fast and interactive user interface. Redux is used for state management, which enables efficient data flow between components. Firebase is used for services like authentication.

Users can create accounts and sign in to the application securely using Firebase authentication. Once logged in, users can create and edit their profiles, including their work experience, education, and skills. Users can also search for jobs posted by other users and apply for them directly from the application.

The application also includes a registering, login, logout, and posting in the whole app.

Overall, this LinkedIn Clone is a fully functional web application that replicates the essential features of LinkedIn, providing users with a platform to showcase their profile.

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