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Let's Learn MongoDB

  • MongoDB is a DataBase.
  • There are 2 types of DataBase:
    1. Relational DB
      • MySQL
      • SQL
    2. Non-Relational DB
      • MongoDB


Code Side MongoDB Side
DB Setup DB Formation
Model Collection
Schema Documents

Concept of MongoDB

  • The Storage will have Containers of data of different apps.
  • Every app will have it's own Container to store its data.
  • Every Container is the DataBase of that one app or Project.

Example of the DataBase of Amazon.

  • The DataBase of Amazon will consist for the following containers of data:
    • User DB
    • Products DB
    • Sales DB
    • Admins DB
    • & Many more.....
  • One whole DataBase of Amazon is divided into different parts (i.e., variety of data) known as Model in coding & Collection in DataBase.
  • We write code for Model, which makes Collection in DataBase.
    • For Example:
      • Product Model will be coded, which will create Product Collection in the DataBase.
      • User Model will be coded, which will create User Collection in the DataBase.
      • Sales Model will be coded, which will create Sales Collection in the DataBase.

Schemas in code will create Documents in DataBase.

  • Schemas in code will create Documents in DataBase.

  • The Data of all users is Collection.

  • The Data of ONE user in any collection is Document.

Setup Steps for MongoDB

  1. Install MongoDB

    • Download from:
  2. Install MongooseJS

    npm i mongoose
  3. Require & Setup Connection

    • Write this code in routes/users.js
    // require mongoose
    const mongoose = require("mongoose");
    // Set Connection between mongoose & mongoDB
    mongoose.connect("mongodb://");   // Use the name of your DB replacing "DBname". Whatever you wish to use as a name.
    // This url is your device's localhost. MongoDB (by default) runs on port 27017
    // Mongoose is connecting to the mongoDB running on the server at the LocalHost.
    • This creates database.
  4. Make Schemas

    • Using Schemas you have tell, what will a document of the collection will look like.
    • Use the below code in routes/users.js
    // Creating Schemas
    const userschema = mongoose.Schema({
        username: String,
        name: String,
        age: Number
    // name-of-value: Type-of-value
    • This tells, how every document will look. (Units of data)
  5. Create Model

    // Creating Models
    mongoose.model("userData", userschema);    // "userData" is the name of collection created
    • It creates collection in DataBase.
  6. Export the Model

    // Export Model
    module.exports = mongoose.model("user", userschema);

In the above example, prcticekaro is the database created. userData is a collection created inside the database. userschema defines the structure of data stored in every document of the collection.


Mongoose is a JavaScript object-oriented programming library that creates a connection between MongoDB and the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment.

CRUD - Create Read Update Delete


import user.js in index.js to bring all the information about database, collections, schema.

// import users.js as userModel
const userModel = require("./users");

Create documents in index.js

router.get('/create', async function(req,res){
  await userModel.create({
    username: "ansh07",
    age: 20,
    name: "Ansh Singh Sonkhia"
  res.send("Successfullllly Created")
  // This "userModel.create" is asynchronoud JS, So, will go into the side stack & will be implemented after the completion of main stack Synchronous code. That's why we use "await" before it.
  // nhi toh user ko pehle hi message chala jayega
  • After Creation of this user, mongoDB will return the created user, which we can save.
router.get('/create', async function(req,res){
  const createduser = await userModel.create({
    username: "ansh07",
    age: 20,
    name: "Ansh Singh Sonkhia"
  res.send("Successfullllly Created")


router.get("/allusers", async function(req,res){
  let allusers = await userModel.find();
  • .find is used to find
  • .findOne is used to find one user
router.get("/allusers", async function(req,res){
  let allusers = await userModel.findOne({username: "harshita"});



router.get("/delete", async function(req,res){
  let deleteduser = await userModel.findOneAndDelete({
    username: "harsh"

Client-Server Diagram

Client Server
Cookie Session
  • When you have to save data on server - use session.
  • When you have to save data on Client's frontend' - use Cookie.

  • Data saved in the server is more secured than the data saved in the client's cookie.


  • To use sessions - install this package:
npm i express-session
  • Write this code in app.js
var session = require('express-session');

  resave: false,  // don't save again, if the value of session is NOT changed.
  saveUninitialized: false,   // Don't save any data, which is NOT named.
  secret: "kuchBhiRandomSecretCodeLikhDoo"    // A secret string, on the basis of which our data will be encrypt.
  • You can create session in the routes with any name of your choice, whenever someone visits that route.
router.get("/", function (req, res) {
  req.session.anyname = "heloo";

Example Use-Case

  • So, if you want anyone to get banned, when he visits any route...
router.get("/", function (req, res) {
  req.session.banned = true;

You can use any name for session - banned, ban, noban, lemon, bmw, etc....

If a session is created in any route, it can be checked in all other routes.

router.get("/check-ban", function (req, res) {
  res.send("You have beeeeeeeeeeen Banned");

  if(req.session.banned === true){
    res.send("You have beeeeeeeeeeen Banned");
    res.send("not banned");

If the server is restarted...

If the server is restarted or restarted by nodemon Then, the session will be deleted.

How to delete session?

router.get("/remove-ban", function (req, res) {
    if (err) throw err;
    res.send("Ban Removed Successfullyy")


  • install package cookie-parser

  • use code:

var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

How to use Cookie

Cookie is set on the frontend. So, sent in response

router.get("/", function (req, res) {
  res.cookie("age", 25);	// cookie("cookie-name", cookie-value)

How to read Cookie?

  • The cookie is set on the browser of client.
  • And, we have to read it on server.
  • So, we have to request it.
router.get("/read", function (req, res) {
	console.log(req.cookies.age);	// to get direct data of cookie named "age"

How to delete Cookie?

router.get("/delete", function (req, res) {
	res.send("Cookie Cleared Successfullyy");

EndGame-1 Completed


Project Lopipop - Learning MongoDB with Express Generator








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