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Macros for Microchip low-end and mid-range processor families. RAM allocation, arythmetics, port pins.


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Macros for Microchip low-end and mid-range processor families. RAM allocation, arythmetics, port pins.

What for?

Makes PIC .asm programs more readable and writable.

PIC assembler is simple and easy to learn and to start coding, due to compact instruction set. But the dark side of this simplicity is large amount of code (lines), needed to express frequently used logical or arythmetical constructions. The use of C compiler for processor lacking stack adressation abilities seems to be unefficient. Using macros may be the right way to achieve assembler flexibility and efficiency along with readable code.

Whom for?

If you don't want to use relocatable RAM variables, and don't want to place them manually.

If you want to work with bits as with variables.

If you need multibyte arythmetics maybe with indirectly addressed variables.

If you need to multiply/divide bytes/words/double-words.

If you want to work with port pins as with variables, don't worrying of their interfering each other.


Adjust "" for your processor. Then,

    #include "../"

and if you need port pins manipulation,

    #include "../"

Let's code!

    #define ARRAY_SIZE d'10'
    ; Some code changing Array values
    ; Now we will sum all Array values with result in Sum
    ALLOC Sum,4
    ALLOC Cnt,1

    movwl Sum,0             ; Sum = 0
    movwl Sum+2,0
    SetRAMPtr Array,0,0     ; FSR = #Array
    movl Cnt,ARRAY_SIZE     ; Cnt = #ARRAY_SIZE

    addwi Sum,INDF,2        ; Sum += *(FSR += 2)
    addcwl Sum+2,0
    djnz Cnt,Loop           ; if(( --Cnt) != 0 ) goto Loop

Now let's try boolean variables.

    ALLOC Bits,1
    boolean BitA,Bits,0
    boolean BitB,Bits,1
    boolean BitC,Bits,2
    clrb BitA
    setb BitB
    movnotb BitC,BitA
    andb BitC,BitB          ; BitC = (~BitA) & BitB

Now let's manipulate port pins.

    #include "../"
    boolean PinA,PORTA,2
    boolean PinB,PORTB,1
    boolean PinC,PORTB,5
    boolean PinD,PORTC,2
    TurnIn PinA
    TurnOut PinB
    TurnOut PinC
    Turnin PinD

    CplPin PinB
    MovPinBuf PinC,PinA
    AndPinBuf PinC,PinD

    goto Loop

If a lot of pins are initialized, overhead may be eliminated.

    #include "../"
    boolean PinA,PORTA,2
    boolean PinB,PORTB,1
    boolean PinC,PORTB,5
    boolean PinD,PORTC,2
    _TurnIn PinA
    _TurnOut PinB
    _TurnOut PinC
    _Turnin PinD

List of macros:

    ;	1. RAM allocation macros.
    ALLOC	MACRO Name,Size
    IALLOC	MACRO Name,Size
    OALLOC	MACRO Name,Size

    SetRAMPtr	MACRO Base,Index,SizeOf
    SaveContext	MACRO
    RestoreContext	MACRO

    ;	2. Boolean (bit) operations
    boolean	MACRO name,addr,bitn
    clrb	MACRO bool	; bool = 0 (false)
    setb	MACRO bool	; bool = 1 (true)
    sc	MACRO bool	; skip next command if bool == 0
    ss	MACRO bool	; skip next command if bool == 1
    andb	MACRO dst,op	; dst &= op
    andnotb	MACRO dst,op	; dst &= (not op)
    iorb	MACRO dst,op	; dst |= op
    iornotb	MACRO dst,op	; dst |= (not op)
    xorb	MACRO dst,op	; dst ^= op , USES W!!!
    xornotb	MACRO dst,op	; dst ^= (not op) , USES W!!!
    movb	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src
    movnotb	MACRO dst,src	; dst = (not src) , MAY USE W!!!
    jnb	MACRO bool,label	; jump <label> if bool == 0
    jb	MACRO bool,label	; jump <label> if bool == 1

    djnz	MACRO cnt,label		; decrement <cnt>, jump <label> if <cnt> != 0

    ;	3. Byte-oriented macros
    mov	MACRO dst,src		; dst = src
    movl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst = lit(eral)
    ;	Two-operand forms for some simple assembler instructions.
    com2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = ~src
    swap2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = swap(src)
    inc2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src + 1
    dec2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src - 1
    rlc2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src << 1 (through CARRY)
    rrc2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src >> 1 (through CARRY)

    ;	Byte logic (and,andnot,ior,iornot,xor,xornot).
    and3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src & op
    and	MACRO dst,op,res
    andnot3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src & (~op)
    andnot	MACRO dst,op,res
    andl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src & #v(lit)
    andl	MACRO dst,lit,res
    ior3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src | op
    ior	MACRO dst,op,res
    iornot3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src | (~op)
    iornot	MACRO dst,op,res
    iorl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src | #v(lit)
    iorl	MACRO dst,lit,res
    xor3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src ^ op
    xor	MACRO dst,op,res
    xornot3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src ^ (~op)
    xornot	MACRO dst,op,res
    xorl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src ^ #v(lit)
    xorl	MACRO dst,lit,res

    ;	Negate
    neg2	MACRO dst,src		; dst = - src
    neg	MACRO dst
    ;	Addition
    add3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src + op
    add	MACRO dst,op		; dst += op
    addc3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src + op + CARRY
    addc	MACRO dst,op		; dst += (op + CARRY)
    ;	Addition with literals
    addl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = op + #v(lit)
    addl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst += #v(lit)
    addl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit
    addl_nc	MACRO dst,lit
    addcl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src + #v(lit) + CARRY
    addcl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst += (#v(lit) + CARRY)
    addcl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit
    addcl_nc	MACRO dst,lit
    ;	Subtraction
    sub3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src - op
    sub	MACRO dst,op		; dst -= op
    cmp	MACRO what,with		; W = dst - op
    subb3	MACRO dst,src,op	; dst = src - op - BORROW
    subb	MACRO dst,op		; dst -= (op + BORROW)
    cmpb	MACRO what,with		; W = dst - op - BORROW
    ;	Subtraction with literals
    subl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src - #v(lit)
    subl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst -= #v(lit)
    cmpl	MACRO what,lit		; W = dst - #v(lit)
    subl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit
    subl_nc	MACRO dst,lit
    subbl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; dst = src - #v(lit) - BORROW
    subbl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst -= (#v(lit) + BORROW)
    cmpbl	MACRO what,lit		; W = dst - #v(lit) - BORROW
    subbl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit
    subbl_nc	MACRO dst,lit
    ;	4. Word-oriented macros.
    movw	MACRO dst,src		; dst = src
    movwl	MACRO dst,lit		; dst = #v(lit)
    movwi	MACRO dst,src,shift
    movwli	MACRO dst,lit,shift
    rlcw2	MACRO dst,src		; dst = src << 1 (trough CARRY)
    rlcw	MACRO dst		; dst <<= 1 (through CARRY)
    rlcw2i	MACRO dst,src,shift
    rlcwi	MACRO dst,shift
    rrcw2	MACRO dst,src		; dst = src >> 1 (through CARRY)
    rrcw	MACRO dst		; dst >>= 1 (through CARRY)
    rrcw2i	MACRO dst,src,shift
    rrcwi	MACRO dst,shift
    incw2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src + 1
    incw	MACRO dst	; dst ++
    incwz	MACRO dst
    incw2i	MACRO dst,src,shift
    incwi	MACRO dst,shift
    incwzi	MACRO dst,shift
    decw2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = src - 1
    decw	MACRO dst	; dst --
    comw2	MACRO dst,src	; complement
    comw	MACRO dst
    comw2i	MACRO dst,src,shift
    comwi	MACRO dst,shift
    negw2	MACRO dst,src	; dst = - src
    negw	MACRO dst	; dst = - dst
    negw2i	MACRO dst,src,shift
    negwi	MACRO dst,shift
    ;	Addition (word-oriented).
    addw3	MACRO dst,src,op	; 9
    addw	MACRO dst,op		; 6
    addw3i	MACRO dst,src,op,shift
    addwi	MACRO dst,op,shift
    addw3_nc	MACRO dst,src,op	; 8
    addcw3	MACRO dst,src,op
    addcw	MACRO dst,op
    addcw3i	MACRO dst,src,op,shift
    addcwi	MACRO dst,op,shift
    ;	Addition with literals (word-oriented).
    addwl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; 9,8,5
    addwl	MACRO dst,lit		; 6,5,2,1
    addwl3i	MACRO dst,src,lit,shift
    addwli	MACRO dst,lit,shift
    addwl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit	; 8,7,4
    addwl_nc	MACRO dst,lit		; 6-0
    addcwl3	MACRO dst,src,lit
    addcwl	MACRO dst,lit
    addcwl3i	MACRO dst,src,lit,shift
    addcwli	MACRO dst,lit,shift
    ;	Subtraction (word-oriented).
    subw3	MACRO dst,src,op	; 9
    subw	MACRO dst,op		; 6
    subw3i	MACRO dst,src,op,shift
    subwi	MACRO dst,op,shift
    subw3_nc	MACRO dst,src,op	; 8
    subbw3	MACRO dst,src,op
    subbw	MACRO dst,op
    subbw3i	MACRO dst,src,op,shift
    subbwi	MACRO dst,op,shift
    ;	Subtract of literals (word-oriented).
    subwl3	MACRO dst,src,lit	; 9,8,5
    subwl	MACRO dst,lit		; 6,5
    subwl3i	MACRO dst,src,lit,shift
    subwli	MACRO dst,lit,shift
    subwl3_nc	MACRO dst,src,lit	; 8,7,4
    subwl_nc	MACRO dst,lit		; 6-0
    subbwl3	MACRO dst,src,lit
    subbwl	MACRO dst,lit
    subbwl3i	MACRO dst,src,lit,shift
    subbwli	MACRO dst,lit,shift
    ;	Subtract special cases.
    subwb3_nc	MACRO dst,src,op3	; dst, src - words, op - byte
    ;	Compare (word-oriented).
    cmpw	MACRO what,with		; 6
    cmpwl	MACRO what,lit		; 6,5
    cmpwi	MACRO what,with,shift
    cmpwli	MACRO what,lit,shift
    ;	Compare using BORROW (word-oriented)
    cmpbw	MACRO what,with
    cmpbwl	MACRO what,lit
    cmpbwi	MACRO what,with,shift
    cmpbwli	MACRO what,lit,shift
    ;	5. Multiply
    FastMultBBW	MACRO Op,BitH,BitL,ResH,ResL	; ResH MUST BE != ResL
    MultiplyBBW	MACRO Op,ResH,ResL,Cnt	; if ResH==ResL result is byte
    MultiplyWWD	MACRO Op1H,Op1L,Op2,ResH,ResL,Cnt
    ;	6. Divide
    DivB	MACRO DividedH,DividedL,Divider,Result,Cnt,Bit7
    DivW	MACRO DividedH,DividedL,Divider,ResultH,ResultL,Cnt,Bit15
    DivWRounding	MACRO Divided,Divider

    ;	Pin handling macros
    ClrPinBuf	MACRO pin
    SetPinBuf	MACRO pin
    CplPinBuf	MACRO pin
    AndPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    AndnotPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    IorPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    IornotPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    XorPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    XornotPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    MovPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    MovnotPinBuf	MACRO pin,bool
    WritePortBuffers	MACRO

    ClrPin	MACRO pin
    SetPin	MACRO pin
    CplPin	MACRO pin
    SelectTRISBank	MACRO
    UnselectTRISBank	MACRO
    _TurnIn		MACRO pin
    _TurnOut	MACRO pin
    TurnIn	MACRO pin
    TurnOut	MACRO pin


Macros for Microchip low-end and mid-range processor families. RAM allocation, arythmetics, port pins.








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