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Lox (programming language implementation)

This is the C implementation of the bytecode compiler and virtual machine from the book.

Each branch (other than master) represents an addition to the language, encompassing all the challenges proposed by the author for each chapter (or at least a whole bunch of them).

Here are some sample Lox programs:

fun fib(n) {
  if (n < 2) return n;
  return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);

var start = clock();  // built-in native function call
print fib(10);
print clock() - start;
// OOP support via class representation
class Cake {

  init(adjective) {
    this.adjective = adjective;

  taste() {
    print "The " + this.flavor + " cake is " + this.adjective + "!";

var cake = Cake("delicious");
cake.flavor = "German chocolate";
class Doughnut {
  cook() {
    print "Fry until golden brown.";

// Support for single inheritance
class BostonCream < Doughnut {
  cook() {
    print "Pipe full of custard and coat with chocolate.";
