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Google Bard724


Google Bard724 is an npm package that provides an Axios API wrapper for making HTTP requests to the Bard API. It simplifies the process of interacting with the API by encapsulating the necessary logic in a reusable class.


To use this package in your project, you need to have Axios installed. You can install both packages using npm:

npm install google-bard724


To use the API wrapper, import it into your JavaScript file:

const Api = require('google-bard724');

// Create an instance of the API wrapper
const bardcookie = 'your-bard-cookie';
const api = new Api(bardcookie);

// Make an API request
async function askQuestion(question) {
    try {
        const response = await api.ask(question);
    } catch (error) {

askQuestion('What is the meaning of life?');

Replace 'your-bard-cookie' with your actual Bard API cookie. If no cookie is provided or if it is invalid, an error will be thrown.

The ask method sends a GET request to the Bard API with the specified question and bardcookie. It returns a Promise that resolves to the response data from the API.

Usage by saving the chats

To use the API wrapper with saving the chats, import it into your JavaScript file:

const Api = require('google-bard724');

// Create an instance of the API wrapper
const bardcookie = 'your-bard-cookie';
const api = new Api(bardcookie, {
    saveChats: true,
    saveChatsPath: './chats.json',
    saveChatsLimit: 6,

// Make an API request
async function askQuestion(question, chatId) {
    try {
        const response = await api.ask(question, chatId);
    } catch (error) {

async function test() {
    await askQuestion('My name is Alex?', 'USER#0000');
    await askQuestion('What is my name?', 'USER#0000');


Replace 'your-bard-cookie' with your actual Bard API cookie. If no cookie is provided or if it is invalid, an error will be thrown.

Replace './chats.json' with your actual path to the file where you want to save the chats.

Replace 6 with the desired maximum number of chats you want to save per chatId.

The ask method sends a GET request to the Bard API with the specified question and bardcookie. It returns a Promise that resolves to the response data from the API.

Note: You have to create the file where you want to save the chats before running the code and make sure that the file code is {}.

How to get cookies?

  • install the Cookie-Editor extension.
  • Go to and login.
  • Click on the extension icon and find a cookie starting with __Secure-{account_number}PSID (e.g. __Secure-1PSID).
  • Ensure that you are copying the correct cookie corresponding to your account number, which can be found in the URL as{account_number}.
  • If your account number is /u/3 for example, search for the cookie beginning with __Secure-3PSID.
  • Copy the cookie and store it in a variable called bardcookie.
const bardcookie = '<your-bard-cookie>'; // replace <your-bard-cookie> with your account number

Make sure to replace <your-bard-cookie> with the appropriate account number when storing the cookie in the bardcookie variable.

Error Handling

If the Bard API returns an error, it will be propagated as an exception. Make sure to handle errors appropriately in your code.


The source code for this package is hosted on GitHub. You can submit bug reports or contribute to the project on the issues page.


This package is licensed under the ISC License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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