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Crowdfunding Solidity Contract

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Crowdfunding is a modern and innovative approach to raising funds for various projects, Collecting funds for your startup project is necessary to achieve your goals, but you should select a reliable company.

We have built a decentralized Crowdfunding smart contract where you can create a campaign for your project, people can fund your project and after the duration ends, the creator of the campaign can take the money. it's a secure way to support projects and donations to charities.

We used blockchain technology, the Ethereum network, and smart contract development technology to achieve our goal.

The smart contract is written in solidity, and we used JS/TS to test and interact with the contract.

Built With

The smart contract is built using hardhat framework, ethersjs, and some other packages and dependencies that speed up in development process.

  • Soliditylang
  • Hardhat
  • Openzeppelin-contracts

Getting Started

This is an example of how to run the smart contract locally on your computer.


You need to check if nodejs and npm are installed on your computer first.

npm --version
node --version

If you don't have node, you can install it from there official website


Below is an example of how to start interacting with the smart contract locally.

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages (remember to move to the directory crowd-funding first)
    npm install
  3. Code installed successfully, you can start testing it.


You can interact with the smart contract on the local network now.

  • npm run compile to compile the solidity code
  • npm run deploy to deploy the contract on the hardhat network
  • npm run test to run the unit testing of the contract


This project is under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Al-Qa'qa' - @Al_Qa_qa - [email protected]

Project Link:


We used some web services, open-source projects, and packages that help us in our development process, which will be listed below.

We would like to apologize if we used a free package or service and forgot to mention it.