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CLI tool for detecting ellipse shaped blobs in images. The ellipses can overlap or even can be partially occluded.


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Robust ellipse detection written in Rust

This program implements the RANSAC based robust ellipse fitting algorithm described by W Kaewapichai, P Kaewtrakulpong (2008) and uses it to find ellipse shaped particles in an image. This implementation is written purely in Rust. It is capable of detecting ellipse shaped blobs where the ellipse is partially occluded or more of them are clustered together into a single blob.

Example picture

Example usage

Building is simple using cargo:

cargo build --release

For a short description of the available command line options, run:

./target/release/ellipse_detect -h

In the example_use directory, an example configuration file is provided config.yaml, along with a sample image img.bmp. We can run the program with the following command:

./target/release/ellipse_detect -c example_use/config.yaml -f example_use/img.bmp --outimg example_use/out.png --outfile example_use/out.json

Which results in a JSON file out.json and an image out.png containing and showing the detected ellipses. Both output files are optional. The output image is just a visualization of the detected ellipses, we usually do not need it, but it is useful for viusally assessing the quality of the detection. The output JSON file contains a list of detected ellipses, each ellipse is represented by a dictionary with the following keys:

    "a": 47.99351164808638,
    "b": 11.796194030129517,
    "x": 1063.9748000216746,
    "y": 141.3909574884799,
    "theta": -0.3875775553444095

Where a and b are the major and minor axis lengths, x and y are the center of the ellipse, and theta is the orientation of the ellipse in radians.

The accepted input and output image formats are png, bmp and jpg.

Configuration file

In the provided example configuration file example_use/config.yaml, we can set input parameters affecting the detection algorithm.

  • The first couple of parameters are regarding the binarization of the image and the RANSAC algorithm. To be able to understand these parameters, take a look at the next section, where we briefly describe the implemented algorithm.
  • With the other parameters, we can set filters for throwing away unwanted ellipses and contours, making the output cleaner and more precise. These parameters are explained in the comments of the config.yaml file.

A configuration file can be specified with the -c path/to/config.yaml required command line option.

Description of the algorithm

In the following section, we give a brief description of the implemented algorithm:

Kaewapichai, W. and Kaewtrakulpong, P., 2008. Robust ellipse detection by fitting randomly selected edge patches. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, 48, pp.30-33.

Binarization and contour detection

The image is first binarized using a threshold, specified in the config file, then the contours are detected on the edges of the blobs in the binarized image. An example of this procedure is shown in the figure below.

An example showing the result of binarization and the contours found.

On the left side of the figure, the original image is shown. In the middle, we can see the binarized image and on the left, the contours around the binarized blobs are shown in red. The contours are a list of pixel coordinates on the border of the black blobs. We can see that the smaller contours are not highlighted in red, because they are excluded by a filter set in the config file.

RANSAC and ellipse fitting

Now we can apply the RANSAC algorithm to the detected contours. The algorithm is implemented in the file. The detailed description of the method can be found in the cited paper, here we only give a short overview.

At first, we take a number of random samples of the points in the contour. A sample is taken using the following method: We take a pair of random points independently on the contour, and if their distance is larger than the 2 * radius_threshold (see config file), then we discard the pair, otherwise we keep the pair. If we keep the pair, then we append them to the sample along with the contour points that are closer to them than the radius_threshold. We repeat this step until we find 3 eligible pairs. (Our sample taking method slightly differs from the one described in the paper.)

The number of samples taken is by default a couple of hundred, but we can set the sample multiplier to take more samples. This can be done using the --samplemult CLI option, the default value is 10. If we set it higher, the quality of the output will be better, but the computation time will increase as well.

After getting the samples, we fit an ellipse onto each of them using the direct least square method by A. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu and R.B. Fisher. This algorithm is implemented in the file.

For each fitted ellipse, we calculate its fitness score with the following formula:

$$ \text{fitness} = \frac{N}{\text{perimeter of ellipse}} $$

Where $N$ is the number of points in the contour with distance from the ellipse perimeter smaller than dist_threshold and $\text{perimeter of ellipse}$ of course means the perimeter of the fitted ellipse, in pixel units.

The fitted ellipses are then sorted by their fitness score and the ellipse with the highest fitness score is the one that is chosen as the best fit. If none of the ellipses have a fitness higher than the min_fitness specified in the config file, then the algorithm terminates and no ellipses are found. Otherwise, if the best ellipse is eligible, then we save it and remove the contour points from the point set that are closer to the ellipse than the dist_threshold.

Then we take random samples again and repeat this procedure until there are no more eligible ellipses left.


The RANSAC algorithm can be run in parallel for each independent distinct contour, making the program run potentially several times faster. This feature can be turned on using the --multithread CLI option and it is turned off by default. When turned on, it will use all available CPU cores. Please also note that the binarization and contour detection steps are not parallelized.


CLI tool for detecting ellipse shaped blobs in images. The ellipses can overlap or even can be partially occluded.








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