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Aftab Khan's Resume

This repo is going to be powering the resume for Aftab Khan. There has been a fair amount of procrastination that has gone into starting this. But finally it has been decided that we are going to be trying a couple of things out for this one. Initially the scope had a lot of things to be done. But for the sake of sanity & "Atomic Habits", we are going to start with the following

  • We are going to focus on making just one pager
  • We are trying our Vite 3 for the first time
  • We are going to use React PDF which is promising both Web view & PDF download capability
  • Let's hope this helps "Catch the eye" easily :)

Current Tech Stack

  • ViteJS + React TS
  • Single codebase doing both ReactPDF on NodeJS + React Native Web on browser
  • Github pages via Github Actions

Implementation notes

Day 1: The initial setup & testing out the React PDF package

  • Started with ViteJS and sure enough everything was fast
  • After installing the react-pdf package, got to know that I had to setup a lot of additional shims since react-pdf was using node packages on Browser:
  • After that was able to build the initial section and setup Github Actions to deploy this to github pages

Day 2: RNW for the web & PDF generation in NodeJS

  • Added RNW to the project, setup it's types etc
  • Wrote a shim file to map all the components that I am using from React-PDF to map it to RNW
  • Add this shim to the vite.config for aliassing
  • Needed ts-node to run React-PDF generation in node
  • And viola!! The whole website is now rendered on browser by RNW & node code runs & generates the PDF post build

Day 3: Scaling issues

  • Found out that the web was smaller than the rendered PDF
  • After digging into a lot of things, found out that the difference was in the units, the default unit for React-PDF was pt & RNW was obviously px.
  • Wrote a custom logic to recurse thru all the styles and update all numbers by a factor of 1.33

Day 4: Adding the remaining content

  • Added a web shell so that I could frame the PDF as a page and give links to download the PDF
  • Optimized the rendering on mobile so that complete page is properly visible
  • Finished adding rest of the content
  • End of this Project will only make changes based on few feedbacks from others