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Radar Rendering Foundation

GLFW/GL4 rendering framework and general useful utilities

  • File Operations (Disk Copy, Filepath finding, File reading...)
  • Logger utility with different log levels and timestamping
  • Linear algebra single header math library (vec2, vec3, vec4, mat3, mat4, general utils)
  • Windowing utils : context creation, input handling, window events
  • Rendering utils
    • Resource handling and storing (textures, images, fonts)
    • Font rendering (stb_truetype)
    • Texture loading and creation (2D, 3D, Cubemap, Irradiance Prefiltering)
    • Mesh handling (VAO, VBO, GLTF mesh loading)
    • Frambuffer utils (GBuffer, auxilliary fbos)
    • 2D Display text rendering
  • User Interface
    • Implementation of an immediate-mode UI (à la imgui)
    • Panel with mouse move and resize
    • Border and titlebar
    • Button
    • Slider
    • Text
    • 2D image display
    • Progressbar

The library is initialized by ctx::Init() and demands 2 memory pools in input to make its internal allocations with. One Scratch memory pool for temporary allocs (file buffers, temp mesh vertex data, ...). Those are considered in-place and ephemeral and the memory pool this data is using should be zero'ed every frame. One Session memory pool for more permanent storage (image/texture data, UI internal state, the context itself, ...).

RF Example Application

Example App

  • rf_example.cpp is an example application running very basic features of the RF library to bootstrap new projects. It should draw some UI as well as a colored 2D quad.
  • ui_config.json is an example theme config file for the RF UI. RF handles TTF fonts, as well as Unicode character printing (like FontAwesome), these should be put in the application path and linked with the ui theme config file.


Example build on Win10 64 using Cmder and the provided premake5 file.

mkdir rf_example
cd rf_example/
git clone --recurse-submodules ext/rf
mkdir src bin\data
cp -R ext/rf/examples/* .
premake5.exe vs2017 --os=windows # depending on target platform
# you might have to retarget the solution to the last windows SDK in the resulting vs project