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Copy event streams to a database table. This will connect to the ActyxOS Event Service, subscribe to event streams, and push the events to a database (currently Postgres) for further analysis using SQL.


    events-to-db [OPTIONS] [subscriptions]

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -h, --db-host <db-host>                         [env: DB_HOST=]  [default: localhost]
    -d, --db-name <db-name>                         [env: DB_NAME=]
    -w, --db-password <db-password>                 [env: DB_PASSWORD]
    -p, --db-port <db-port>                         [env: DB_PORT=]  [default: 5432]
    -u, --db-user <db-user>                         [env: DB_USER=]
    -f, --from-start <from-start>                   [env: FROM_START=]
    -r, --max-batch-records <max-batch-records>     [env: MAX_BATCH_RECORDS=]  [default: 1024]
    -s, --max-batch-seconds <max-batch-seconds>     [env: MAX_BATCH_SECONDS=]  [default: 1]
    -t, --table <table>                             [env: TABLE=]  [default: events]

    <subscriptions>     [env: SUBSCRIPTIONS=]  [default: {}]

Docker usage

docker run actyx/events-to-db <options>

You can use environment variables instead of command-line options. See also Environment variables below.


The subscriptions are given as zero or more JSON objects, each of which can have any of the following keys:

  • source: Source ID
  • semantics: Event stream semantics
  • name: Event stream name

Subscriptions are OR'ed together and NULL/nonexistent elements are considered wildcards. Some examples:

  • '{}' (default) - Subscribe to all events from all sources
  • '{"source":"foo"}' - Subscribe to all events from source foo
  • '{"source":"foo","semantics":""}' - Subscribe to all events from source foo that have the given semantics
  • '{"source":"foo"}' '{"semantics":"bar"}' - Subscribe to all events from sources foo and bar

Environment variables

Aside from the environment variables listed under events-to-db --help, there is the following:

Database schema

The database table will be created if it does not exist (note that no schema migration is done, so if the table already exists it will be used as-is). For PostgreSQL the table schema is as follows:

    source text not null,      -- Event source ID
    semantics text not null,   -- Event source semantics
    name text not null,        -- Event source name
    seq bigint not null,       -- Event Lamport timestamp (named seq for historical reasons)
    psn bigint not null,       -- Event offset (named PSN for historical reasons)
    timestamp bigint not null, -- Event wall-clock timestamp in microseconds
    payload jsonb,             -- Event payload
    PRIMARY KEY (source, psn)


  • By default, events-to-db queries the database for the maximum offset (psn) for each source, and subscribes starting at the first event from each source. That means that, if you change the subscriptions in a subsequent run, it will not backfill any events that were not previously subscribed to. To get around this you can add the --from-start flag, which will subscribe starting at the beginning of time. Any events that are already in the database (identified by source and psn) will not be inserted again.

  • events-to-db will batch inserts for better performance. To tune the batch size, use the --max-batch-records and --max-batch-seconds flags


  • CI integration
  • Add databases other than PostgreSQL
  • Schema migration
  • One thread/DB connection per subscription


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