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AlexejheroYTB edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

How to create a mod for QModManager

1. Create a new project in Visual Studio

You must use ".NET Framework" with the target framework of 3.5

2. Write your code

You can use Harmony to edit the assembly file at run-time

3. Build your project

4. Create your mod.json file


  "Id": "author.modid",
  "DisplayName": "Display name",
  "Author": "Author",
  "Version": "",
  "Enable": true,
  "AssemblyName": "dllname.dll",
  "EntryMethod": "namespace.class.method",


  "Id": "alexejheroytb.examplemod",
  "DisplayName": "The best example mod so far!",
  "Author": "AlexejheroYTB",
  "Version": "1.2.3",
  "Enable": true,
  "AssemblyName": "ExampleMod.dll",
  "EntryMethod": "ExampleMod.Main.Patch",

5. Put the dll and the json file in a folder

6. Put that folder in the QMods folder

7. Run the game