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Tips : Github Flow

Antonio Antunes edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to enhance your Github Flow

This page is a summary of the advice of Gabo Esquivel from hackernoon article about github workflows. We want to share with you what we consider to be an effective and pragmatic workflow for building and maintaining good quality software that can be applied to any project.

original article

  • Good documentation: readme, documentation sites, and changelogs.
  • Well defined coding standards and conventions.
  • Proper versioning with semver.
  • Automated tests: not too many, focus on functional non-regression tests.

Prioritize your Issues and Track your Progress with Github Projects

tracking the progress of-your work with project boards

Classify your Issues with Tags

Github provides great filtering functionalities. If you are working on an open source project you want people to collaborate on your project as well as provide a good experience to the developers using it. By tagging your issues developers will able to more easily navigate the issue list, saving them time and allowing them to contribute with less entry friction.

Leverage Github Templates for Pull Request and Issues

Taking the time to write Github templates for your issues and pull request will certainly pay off; This will force or at least help developers to report bugs and request features in the standard way with all the information you need to address them.

Learn more at issue-and-pull-request-templates

Some general guidelines for bug reports:

Before submitting an issue please check that you’ve completed the following steps:

  • Made sure you’re on the latest version
  • Used the search feature to ensure that the bug hasn’t been reported before

Bug reports should contain the following information:

  • Summary: A brief description.
  • Steps to reproduce: How did you encounter the bug? Instructions to reproduce it.
  • Expected behavior: How did you expect it to behave?
  • Actual behavior: How did it actually behave?
  • References: Links to any related tickets or information sources.
  • If possible, attach visual documentation of the bug. Screenshots, video and/or animated gifs.

Pull Request General Guidelines:

  • Please make sure that there aren’t existing pull requests attempting to address the issue mentioned.
  • Check for related issues on the issue tracker.
  • Non-trivial changes should be discussed on an issue first.
  • Let us know you’re working on the issue.
  • Develop in a topic branch, not master.
  • Provide useful pull request description.
  • Follow project commit guidelines.
  • Write a good description of your PR.
  • Link to the Github issue in the description.
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