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A sauce review app that performs all CRUD operations and has advanced CSS

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Project overview

A gallery that allows users to upload their favorite hot sauces or like/dislike ones that others share.

  • Te homepage/gallery and login pages are accessible to everyone
  • To create, update or delete your own sauces or like/dislike other people's sauces you must first login or create an account.

I created this project ( including the Back-End ) in the beginning of 2022 with React, javascript and SCSS modules. in january 2023 i have updated the project to better reflect my improved skills, i have migrated to Typescript and Styled-Components, i have written tests that cover most of the code (see /coverage directory), and i have updated the state management with the implementation of UseContext and useReducer.

Production links:

Quick navigation

In this paragraph i try to make it easy for you to find the code that addresses specific solutions or skills.

Jest, react testing library and MSW

/src/saucePaga/SaucePage.test.js This file covers more than 85% of the SaucePage, here you can see how i test the following features:

  • Page load spinner
  • HTTP Get, Put and Delete requests with MSW
  • User Click events
  • Code behaviour depending on SessionStorage state

State management

  • /src/components/error/Error.tsx This component is imported by "src/pages/Homepage". Here you can see how i lift the state from Child to parent without using hooks in the child.

  • src/App.tsx Here is where the context provider wraps around the <Routes> component, making the context from available globally. - src/store/context.tsx Here the context is created.

    Two of the files where you can see the context being used or updated are:

    • src/components/Header.tsx Lines 29, 115, 127, 141
    • src/pages/accass/Access.tsx Lines 34, 97, 100

React hooks

  • src/functions/hooks.tsx Here you can find a custom hook that fetches data
  • src/pages/SaucePage.tsx useEffect, useState, useRef, useReducer, useContext, useParams
  • src/pages/homepage/Homepage.tsx useFetch (custom hook)
  • src/pages/access/Access.tsx useNavigate



This directory contains the source code.

  • index.css has a global scope.

  • App.tsx,here all components are imported from /pages and routed.

    • The Routes "signin" and "signup" share the same element
    • The routes "newsauce" and "updatesauce" share the same element


This folder contains CSS variables, mixins and styled-components that are used in many files


Every file in this directory is a whole website page and is in its own subdirectory, which contains:

  • The React component
  • the .test.js file
  • the StyledComponents file where the CSS in javascript is written.

/ components

Every file in this directory is a component that can be imported by any page.


This directory contains a file with normal Typescript functions and a file for custom hooks


This is where global context is created


This directory contains custom types, e.g.: Interfaces, enums.


This directory contains images and videos that are used in the project

Set up the project locally

git clone

If you use the GitHub CLI, copy the command above to clone the repository, otherwise download the zip file from this page

npm install

In the project directory, run this command to install all any dependencies.

npm start

Starts the development server.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode, add the flag -- --coverage to check the test coverage

npm run build

Compiles and optimises the code for production in the build folder.

netlify deploy

After running running the "build" script, this comand will create a draft deploy with a draft URL.

netlify deploy --prod

After running running the "build" script, this comand will update the production website


Using the Netlify CLI:

  • Save any changes you may have made locally
  • Run npm run build
  • Update any environment key on Netlify
  • Run one of the following scripts:

netlify deploy

Creates a draft deploy with a draft URL.

netlify deploy --prod

Creates or updates the production website

For different ways to build and deploy this project on Netlify, clisk here

Issues and bugs


The like/dislike buttons work perfectly only because i have no dependencies to useEffect in this page. If i try to make this page rerender only when a like/dislike button is clicked, then the nomber of likes/dislikes shown will be the second-latest (instead of the lates). Although everything works perfectly from a UX point of view, this bug makes this page rerender continuously, making unnecessary HTTPS requests.

Typescript error

When a typescript module is imported, the path must end with .ts or .tsx for the project to work, otherwise that module will not be found.

This however generates no build-time errors and the project is deployed without problems.

Teoretically, since the path is a string, and when typescript is compiled to javascript at build time, all .ts files are compiled into .js this should be a problem, hence the Typescript error that i can't get rid of. And i am also not sure why this is not generating any build time errors.

  • Example: import { UserContext } from '../../store/Context .tsx
  • Error: An import path cannot end with a '.tsx' extension. Consider importing './saucePageStyledComponents.js' instead.ts(2691)
  • Considerations: This project was originally written with JavaScript, and later it was migrated to TypeScript.

Learn More

Originally this was a project from OpenClassrooms, i was given the original front-end, and i created a Node/Express back-end for it, following these requirements. When i finished my learning path an OpenClassrooms i decided to do this new front-end to go with the back-end i had created during my Web-developer course.