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Open-source Sign language translator using deep learning model

GitHub version

Sonmari Demo

Full demo on YouTube


This is a hospital sign language translation program that translates sign language into Korean, and the purpose is to allow deaf people to be independent of translators for there treatment in a situation where medical interpreters are insufficient. We designed this program so that doctors can understand the sign language of the deaf by using this program.


When a sign language image is input through the camera, the meaning is translated into Korean text language in real time and displayed on the program screen. For example, if you show the camera the sign language movements such as diarrhea, cold, and runny nose, this motion is recognized and the meaning is displayed on the screen in Korean words. In addition, we added the 'reset' action separately in this program for initializing all outputs. Until the program recognizing the 'reset' action, all the translated words are displayed on the screen to be understood in the form of a simple sentence.

Build Guide


Download all following requirements.

pip install PyQt5
pip install numpy
pip install opencv-python
pip install pillow

(for GPU) Install CUdnn

Download CUdnn (CUdnn version that fits CUDA version that you installed) and unzip the file. Copy the contents inside CUdnn to CUDA folder.

Install OpenCV

Download openCV 4.1.0 'sources' at and unzip the file.

unzip downloaded file and rename 'opencv-4..' folder into 'opencv'

cd opencv

Install opencv-contrib

git clone

Install 'opencv-contrib' in 'opencv' directory.

Make OpenCV

Make a directory in 'opencv'.

mkdir build

Then open CMAKE-gui, and Click Browse-source and Choose 'opencv' directory. Click Browse-build and Choose 'opencv/build' directory.

Configure-> visual studio 16 2019, x64

If you wait, you will see a red list. It takes a long. Check 'BUILD_opencv_world' in the red list and Click generate.

Build OpenCV

cd opencv/build

Open 'ALL_BUILD.vcxproj' with Visual Studio.

Build mode -> release. If you look at 'solution explorer' then you can see ALL_BUILD in CMakeTarget. Right click 'ALL_BUILD' and build. Then right click 'install' and build also.

Clone YoloV4

git clone

Copy dll files and paste to darknet\build\darknet\x64

cd opencv\build\bin\Release

Copy 'opencv_ffmpeg410_64.dll', 'opencv_world410.dll' into darknet\build\darknet\x64

(for GPU) set CUdnn, CUDA for darknet

  • Go to the path where you installed cuda and copied CUdnn.
cd Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.2\bin

Then copy 'cudnn64_7.dll' file into darknet\build\darknet\x64.

  • As installed CUDA version is 10.2, you have to modify original files accordingly(darknet default version is 10.1). Go to darknet\build\darknet and open 'darknet.vcxproj' with text editor. Then search 'CUDA 10' and modify to 'CUDA10.2'.
    Do same for 'yolo_cpp_dll.vcxproj'.

Compile Darknet

Open darknet_no_gpu.sln with Visual studio. compile mode-> release x64

Right click 'darknet_no_gpu.sln' and click the 'property'

Then click C/C++ ->general->Additional include directories Add 'opencv\build\install\include' (Find opencv path).

Click Linker->general->Additional library directories Add 'opencv\build\install\x64\vc16\lib' (Find opencv path).

(for GPU) If you want to use GPU, the following two things should be done additionally.

  • C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions -> remove CUDNN_HALF

  • CUDA C/C++ -> Device -> modify Code Generation according to your Compute capability

And save and build the solution.

Compile Yolo

for CPU

Go back to darknet\build\darknet and Open 'yolo_cpp_dll_no_gpu.vcxproj' in Visual studio and Change Compile mode to 'Release x64' Then build dll file. If you have build issue, there are yolo_cpp_dll_no_gpu files in sonmari/src. So just download it in 'darknet/build/darknet/x64'

for GPU

Do same for CPU as above, but open 'yolo_cpp_dll.vcxproj', not 'yolo_cpp_dll_no_gpu.vcxproj'.

Move into 'darknet/build/darknet/x64'

cd darknet/build/darknet/x64

Clone Sonmari and unzip the file

git clone

Move Sonmari/src files into 'darknet/build/darknet/x64'

move src/* ../..
move src/cfg ../..
move src/model ../..
move src/data ../..


Contribution Guide

Contributing to sonmari : HOW TO CONTRIBUTE

Development Guide


  • WebCam
  • GPU (for training)
    • For testing, GPU is not needed.

Development Environment

  • Python 3.6
  • OpenCV 3.x
  • CMAKE 3.18
  • CUDA 10.2
  • cuDNN 8.0.2
  • PYQT5

CUDA and cuDnn are not essential when you executing the program using cpu, But gpu,CUDA,cuDnn are essential to train using this program.

Code of conduct

View Code of conduct for community guidelines.

How to training




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
