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Applies from web scrapping, and machine learning models to detect pose/sound/hate speech content. The collected data involves a web app interface to showcase generated video, speech and interaction of audiences.

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Henshin & Hate Speech


"Henshin & Hate Speech" is an innovative project aimed at transforming hate speech in political discourse into constructive communication. Utilizing a web-based application, this project leverages advanced AI technologies, including pose and sound detection, to identify and modify hate speech in real-time. This approach not only highlights the project's commitment to addressing social issues through technology but also offers a platform for public engagement and critique.


Data Collection & Analysis: Harness web scraping to collect hate speech data, employing Machine Learning and NLP techniques for detection and analysis.

Interactive Web Application: Showcases the transformed speech via video, speech, and audience interaction in a user-friendly interface.

AI-Powered Transformation: Utilizes GANs, CNNs, and NLP for real-time speech and pose detection, content generation, and sentiment analysis.

Inclusive & Ethical Framework: Aimed at fostering positive political discourse, emphasizing the responsible use of AI.

Getting Started

To experience "Henshin & Hate Speech," run the application locally:

1. Running the Docker Image

Follow these steps to run the Docker image:

  1. Install Docker: If you haven't installed Docker, you can download it from Docker's official website. Follow the instructions for your operating system.

  2. Pull the Docker image: You can pull the Docker image from Docker Hub using the following command in your terminal:

    docker pull asliilhan/henshin-voices
  3. Run the Docker image: After pulling the image, you can run it with the following command:

    docker run -p 5000:5000 asliilhan/henshin-voices

    This command will start the Docker container and map port 5000 inside the container to port 5000 on your host machine.

  4. Access the application: Once the Docker container is running, you can access the application by opening your web browser and navigating to http://localhost:5000.

Please note that if port 5000 is already in use on your machine, you'll need to use a different port. You can do this by changing the -p option in the docker run command. For example, to use port 5001, you would use -p 5001:5000.

2. Clone repository to run the application locally:

Follow these steps to run the app locally:

  1. Clone Repository: copy the command line and paste onto bash.
git clone

After the repository is cloned, navigate into the file.

  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run app on localhost: paste the line on bash and run. Once the App is running, you can access the application by opening your web browser and navigating to provided link.


Internet connection to access the web app.

Webcam acces to intreact.

No installation required for web-based interaction.

Development Timeline

A detailed timeline from idea generation through to project completion, highlighting key development phases such as pose detection, model training, and web app development.

Key Components

Data Collection: Utilizing web scraping and collaborations with Turkish journalists to gather relevant datasets. Scrapping Turkish Parliamentary website and running NLP model on the official reports.

AI Models: Development of various models for pose detection, speech transformation, and sentiment analysis.

Web Application: Implementation of a Flask backend with a user-friendly interface for real-time interaction.

##Testing & Deployment

Testing: Rigorous testing phases to ensure accuracy in pose detection, hate speech detection, and user interaction.

Deployment: The project is hosted on Heroku, providing easy access to users for real-time engagement.


This project represents the culmination of my MSc Data Science and AI studies, embodying a practical application of my academic pursuits to tackle real-world issues through technology.


Applies from web scrapping, and machine learning models to detect pose/sound/hate speech content. The collected data involves a web app interface to showcase generated video, speech and interaction of audiences.







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