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🚀 Native Boilerplate 🚀

Build enterprise React Native apps

iOS and Android

An opinionated React Native Starter Kit with React Native Navigation + Redux + TypeScript to build iOS and Android apps

The project has been setup based off RN+TS Boilerplate by Amit Mangal and React Native Community's React Native Typescript Starter repo.

React Native Typescript Boilerplate


Jumpstart building robust apps using React Native and TypeScript with most commoly needed tools already setup. Just yarn install and get going from respective IDEs.

  • Routing and Navigation
  • State Management using Flux Architecture
  • Atomic Design pattern
    • The structure of the app is inspired by atomic design pattern.
    • Widgets / Elements: Build your own Design Language System with these building blocks.
      • Theme: Base Typography setup - Color, Font, LAYOUT, BUTTONS, FONTS, TEXT, INPUT
      • elements: <BUTTON_DEFAULT> or <CTEXT>. They are custom elements that have default properties like font, size and so on.
      <CTEXT style={GLOBAL.CTA.Style.primaryText}>{title}</CTEXT>
      • widgets: Any component providing a complete functionality. E.g. carousels component, banner component, etc.
      <Category componentId={componentId} title={locale.Categories} />
  • Type Definitions
    • Type definitons for actions, reducers, store, components and more.
  • Built-in Splash screen
  • Hermes and Flipper integrations
  • Code Lint using ESLint & Typescript ESLint
  • Support editing through XCode & Android Studio
App Screens
Splash Home Side Menu
Flipper Support


Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── android						Android Native code
├── ios							iOS Native Code
├── shared
│   ├── redux					Applications Logic
│   │   ├── actionCreators
│   │   ├── actionTypes
│   │   ├── reducers
│   │   └── store
│   └── utilities
│   ├── services
│   │   ├── core				Core Services - API (fetch/axios)
│   │   │  ├── API
│   │   └── auth
├── src
│   ├── config					Global Configuration
│   ├── constants				Screen names and ids, Localization
│   ├── navigators				Router, Navigation
│   ├── view					UI components
│   │   ├── elements				Custom elements
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   ├── screens
│   │   ├── styles				Theme
│   │   └── widgets				Custom components
│   └── utilities
├── __tests__					Unit Tests
├── .babelrc
├── .gitignore
├── tsconfig.json				TypeScript Configuration
├── app.json
├── index.js					Application Entry point
├── package.json

shared Everything related to application business logic. The redux store.

src Presentation layer for the app - screens, styles, images, icons etc.

Getting Started

Make sure node version installed is >=18.x.x. Then install using yarn (or npm):

yarn install

Start the Metro Bundler:

yarn start

One time. Move to ios folder and install pods:

cd ios && pod install

Launch application from XCode (Command + R) Or launch from Terminal:

yarn ios
# runs the following command. change device name here
# `npx react-native run-ios --simulator='iPhone 11'`

Start an Android Simulator from:

Android Studio > Tools > AVD Manager > Run any device

Similarly, run from Android Studio itself Or from Terminal:

yarn android
# runs the following command
# react-native run-android --variant=Debug


yarn start Starts metro bundler
yarn ios Starts iOS app. Start metro bundler first
yarn android Starts Android app. Start metro bundler and Android emulator first
yarn lint linting
yarn lint:fix tries to fix linting issues automatically
yarn build:android:debug Android debug build
yarn build:android:release Android release build

Cheat Sheet

iOS Launch Screen

XCode -> Project Folder -> Click on `Images.xcassets` -> Click on `LaunchScreen`

Change the 3 images here to set the new launch screen for iOS.

Launch Screen

Android Launch Screen

`./android/app/src/main/res/drawable-*` folders

Change the images the drawable-* folders to set the new launch screen for Android.

M1 support

Some additional steps may be required for project to work on M1.

  • Disable Rosetta in Terminal
  • Install ffi
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
  • Re-install dependencies
arch -x86_64 pod install

Now try and run CocoaPods.

P.S.: Thanks to samanthadotcom#7043 (discord)

Single Screen vs Tabbed Based Navigation

The application launches with a splash screen, and then moves to a tabbed based navigation. Splash screen is a good place to fetch data / build application launch logic like getting user token from API or Async Store, load persist state etc.

For Single screen application, replace this tabbed based navigation with a single screen - just home, or simply use the splash screen to setup the app, may be with a burger menu.

Renaming the App

You might also want to rename the app for your own use. Follow any of the links below.
