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509 lines (404 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

509 lines (404 loc) · 15.6 KB

MetaClass interface


MetaClass is a meta interface to provide meta information of a class, such as constructors, member functions, member fields, etc.


#include "metapp/interfaces/metaclass.h"

Get MetaClass interface

We can call MetaType::getMetaClass() to get the MetaClass interface. If the type doesn't implement the interface, nullptr is returned.

const metapp::MetaType * metaType = metapp::getMetaType<SomeClass>();
const metapp::MetaClass * metaClass = metaType->getMetaClass();

Implemented built-in meta types


MetaClass constructor

template <typename FT>
MetaClass(const MetaType * classMetaType, FT callback);

classMetaType is the MetaType of the class being registered. It's used when traversing in the inheritance hierarchy.
callback is a callback function. MetaClass invokes the callback in the constructor. Since the interface is usually implemented as static variable inside static function, the "callback in constructor" mechanism can guarantee thread safety.

callback prototype,

void callback(metapp::MetaClass & mc);

The MetaClass instance under constructing is passed as the parameter. The callback should register all meta data to mc.

MetaClass member functions for registering meta data


MetaItem & registerConstructor(const Variant & constructor);

Register a constructor. The parameter constructor is a Variant of metapp::Constructor or any callable that returns a pointer to the class such as factory function.
The returned MetaItem can be used to add annotations to the meta data.


class CtorClass
  CtorClass() : s(), n() {}
  CtorClass(const std::string & s, const int n) : s(s), n(n) {}

  std::string s;
  int n;

// Factory function
CtorClass * createCtorClass(const std::string & s, const int a, const int b)
  return new CtorClass(s, a + b);

template <>
struct metapp::DeclareMetaType<CtorClass> : metapp::DeclareMetaTypeBase<CtorClass>
  static const metapp::MetaClass * getMetaClass() {
    static const metapp::MetaClass metaClass(
      [](metapp::MetaClass & mc) {
        mc.registerConstructor(metapp::Constructor<CtorClass(const std::string &, const int)>());
        // Factory function. The factory is resolved as overloaded function with the above ctors, so
        // the parameter types/count should not be same.
    return &metaClass;


MetaItem & registerAccessible(const std::string & name, const Variant & field);

Register a field (member or static member data). The parameter name is the field name. The field can be got from the MetaClass by the name later. If a field with the same name has already registered, registerAccessible doesn't register the new field and returns the previous registered field.
The parameter field is a Variant of MetaType that implements meta interface MetaAccessible. It can be pointer to member data, accessorpp::Accessor, or pointer to global data to simulate static member.
The returned MetaItem can be used to add annotations to the meta data.


class AccClass
  AccClass() : text(), value() {}

  std::string text;

  int getValue() const {
    return value;

  void setValue(const int n) {
    value = n;

  int value;

template <>
struct metapp::DeclareMetaType<AccClass> : metapp::DeclareMetaTypeBase<AccClass>
  static const metapp::MetaClass * getMetaClass() {
    static const metapp::MetaClass metaClass(
      [](metapp::MetaClass & mc) {
        mc.registerAccessible("text", &AccClass::text);
        mc.registerAccessible("value", metapp::createAccessor(&AccClass::getValue, &AccClass::setValue));
    return &metaClass;


MetaItem & registerCallable(const std::string & name, const Variant & callable);

Register a method (member or static member method).
The parameter name is the method name. metapp allows multiple methods be registered under the same name, they are treated as overloaded methods.
The parameter callable is a Variant of MetaType that implements meta interface MetaCallable. It can be a pointer to member method, a pointer to non-member free method to simulate static member, or even std::function.
The returned MetaItem can be used to add annotations to the meta data.


class CaClass
  std::string greeting(const std::string & extra) const {
    return "Hello, " + extra;

  // overloaded functions
  int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
  int add(int a, int b, int c) {
    return a + b + c;

template <>
struct metapp::DeclareMetaType<CaClass> : metapp::DeclareMetaTypeBase<CaClass>
  static const metapp::MetaClass * getMetaClass() {
    static const metapp::MetaClass metaClass(
      [](metapp::MetaClass & mc) {
        mc.registerCallable("greeting", &CaClass::greeting);
        mc.registerCallable("add", metapp::selectOverload<int(int, int)>(&CaClass::add));
        mc.registerCallable("add", metapp::selectOverload<int(int, int, int)>(&CaClass::add));
    return &metaClass;


MetaItem & registerVariable(const std::string & name, const Variant & variable);

Register a variable.
The parameter name is the variable name.
The parameter variable is a Variant of any value.
The returned MetaItem can be used to add annotations to the meta data.

The difference between accessible and variable is, an accessible must implement meta interface MetaAccessible, while a variable can be any value. How to use a variable is up to the user.
The best practice to decide when to use accessible or variable is, when a Variant will be got/set value via an accessible such as a pointer to a variable, register it as accessible. If a Variant's value is not going to change, such as a constant, register it as variable.
Note: I'm not satisfied with the term variable. I've thought about constant, object, value, item, element, but none is satisfying.


class VarClass
  static const int one;

  int index;
const int VarClass::one = 1;

template <>
struct metapp::DeclareMetaType<VarClass> : metapp::DeclareMetaTypeBase<VarClass>
  static const metapp::MetaClass * getMetaClass() {
    static const metapp::MetaClass metaClass(
      [](metapp::MetaClass & mc) {
        mc.registerVariable("one", VarClass::one);
        // Any value can be registered as variable, not limited to members in the class
        mc.registerVariable("name", std::string("metapp"));
        // We want to set/get the `index` field, so we register it as accessible.
        mc.registerAccessible("index", &VarClass::index);
    return &metaClass;


template <typename T>
MetaItem & registerType(const std::string & name = ""); // #1
  return registerType(name, getMetaType<T>());
MetaItem & registerType(std::string name, const MetaType * metaType); // #2

Register a MetaType.
The #1 form is equivalent to registerType(name, getMetaType<T>());
If the parameter name is empty, the function tries to get the name from built-in types. If the name is not found, then the name is not used and the MetaType can't be got by name.
The returned MetaItem can be used to add annotations to the meta data.
This function can be used to register nested classes, or enum in the class.


class TyClass
  class NestedClass {};
  enum class NestedEnum {};

template <>
struct metapp::DeclareMetaType<TyClass> : metapp::DeclareMetaTypeBase<TyClass>
  static const metapp::MetaClass * getMetaClass() {
    static const metapp::MetaClass metaClass(
      [](metapp::MetaClass & mc) {
        mc.registerType("NestedEnum", metapp::getMetaType<TyClass::NestedEnum>());
    return &metaClass;

MetaClass member functions for retrieving meta data

Most functions to retrieve meta data has a parameter const MetaClass::Flags flags with default value of MetaClass::flagIncludeBase. For functions that find a certain meta data, that means if the function can't find the meta data in current meta class, it will look up all base class recursively for the meta data. For functions that get all meta data, that means the function will return all meta data in current meta class, and all meta data in base classes, recursively. If you want only current meta class be checked, pass MetaClass::flagNone.


const MetaItem & getConstructor() const;

Returns MetaItem of a callable of the constructors.
If there are more than one constructors, the callable Variant is tkOverloadedFunction.


const metapp::MetaType * metaType = metapp::getMetaType<CtorClass>();
const metapp::MetaClass * metaClass = metaType->getMetaClass();
const metapp::MetaItem & constructor = metaClass->getConstructor();

// Calling metapp::callableInvoke can invoke the proper function that matches the arguments
metapp::Variant instance = metapp::callableInvoke(constructor, nullptr, "abc", 5);
CtorClass * ptr = instance.get<CtorClass *>();
ASSERT(ptr->s == "abc");
ASSERT(ptr->n == 5);
// Don't forget to delete the instance.  
delete ptr;

// A better approach is to use Variant::takeFrom() to convert the instance to a Variant managed object,
// then we don't need to delete the instance.
// This time we call the factory function with 3 arguments.
metapp::Variant instance = metapp::callableInvoke(constructor, nullptr, "def", 5, 3);
// object takes the ownership of instance, it will free the instance automatically.
metapp::Variant object = metapp::Variant::takeFrom(instance);
const CtorClass & ref = object.get<const CtorClass &>();
ASSERT(ref.s == "def");
ASSERT(ref.n == 8);
// We should not delete the instance.  


const MetaItem & getAccessible(const std::string & name, const MetaClass::Flags flags = MetaClass::flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a field of name. If the field is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).


MetaItemView getAccessibleView(const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Returns a MetaItemView for all registered accessibles.


const metapp::MetaType * metaType = metapp::getMetaType<AccClass>();
const metapp::MetaClass * metaClass = metaType->getMetaClass();
AccClass object;
object.text = "hello";
const metapp::MetaItem & text = metaClass->getAccessible("text");
ASSERT(metapp::accessibleGet(text, &object).get<const std::string &>() == "hello");

const metapp::MetaItemView accessibleView = metaClass->getAccessibleView();
ASSERT(accessibleView[0].getName() == "text");
ASSERT(accessibleView[1].getName() == "value");


const MetaItem & getCallable(const std::string & name, const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a method of name. If the method is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).


MetaItemView getCallableView(const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Returns a MetaItemView for all registered callables.


const metapp::MetaType * metaType = metapp::getMetaType<CaClass>();
const metapp::MetaClass * metaClass = metaType->getMetaClass();
CaClass object;

const metapp::MetaItem & greeting = metaClass->getCallable("greeting");
ASSERT(metapp::callableInvoke(greeting, &object, "world").get<const std::string &>() == "Hello, world");

const metapp::MetaItem & add = metaClass->getCallable("add");
ASSERT(metapp::callableInvoke(add, &object, 1, 5).get<int>() == 6);

const metapp::MetaItemView callableView = metaClass->getCallableView();
ASSERT(callableView.size() == 2);
ASSERT(callableView[0].getName() == "greeting");
ASSERT(callableView[1].getName() == "add");


const MetaItem & getVariable(const std::string & name, const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a variable of name. If the variable is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).


MetaItemView getVariableView(const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Returns a MetaItemView for all registered variables.


const metapp::MetaType * metaType = metapp::getMetaType<VarClass>();
const metapp::MetaClass * metaClass = metaType->getMetaClass();

const metapp::MetaItem & one = metaClass->getVariable("one");
ASSERT(one.asVariable().get<int>() == 1);

const metapp::MetaItem & name = metaClass->getVariable("name");
ASSERT(name.asVariable().get<const std::string &>() == "metapp");

getType by name

const MetaItem & getType(const std::string & name, const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a MetaItem of name. If the type name is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).

getType by type kind

const MetaItem & getType(const TypeKind kind, const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a MetaItem of kind. If the type kind is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).

getType by MetaType

const MetaItem & getType(const MetaType * metaType, const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Get a MetaItem of metaType. If the meta type is not registered, an empty MetaItem is returned (MetaItem::isEmpty() is true).
This function is useful to get the name of a registered meta type.


MetaItemView getTypeView(const Flags flags = flagIncludeBase) const;

Returns a MetaItemView for all registered types.