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Releases: welldone-software/why-did-you-render


13 Apr 09:05
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Fixed reporting of hooks about an inner WDYR component for hooks in non-memoized functional components


13 Apr 09:04
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  • Added react-redux tests + demo
  • When a React element is re-created as a property of another react element:
    • If it's props are different, ignore it.
    • if it's props are (deep or strict) equals, notify about the props + that the element shouldn't be re-created.
    • Updated + Added tests for this scenario
  • Improved memoized functional components tracking performance
  • Fixed memoized functional components and hooks reporting about an inner WDYR component.


12 Apr 11:16
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updated packages and readme


05 Apr 18:59
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fixed using of more then 2 hooks in a component


05 Apr 10:33
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improved hooks patching performance

React Hooks tracking is here!

05 Apr 09:44
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  • wdyr now tracks re-renders that are caused by React hooks!

you can read about it >> HERE <<

  • titleColor / diffNameColor / diffPathColor - options now allow to change the colors of wdyr console notifications.

Added support to React.memo

18 Mar 08:32
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Make sure to add whyDidYouRender on the component after wrapping it with React.memo and not before.

const ReactMemoTestComponent = React.memo(() => (
ReactMemoTestComponent.whyDidYouRender = true
ReactMemoTestComponent.dispalyName = 'ReactMemoTestComponent'

Functional components tracking fix

12 Feb 08:24
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We were tracking functional components props updates across all instances of it: #7.

This got fixed by saving prevProps on the component's ref.

Support extension of untranspiled classes

19 Jan 12:01
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The bug #5, where people got Class constructors must be invoked with 'new' was identified as caused by extension of native "class" object types.

We added the targets:

  "main-no-classes-transpile": "dist/no-classes-transpile/cjs/whyDidYouRender.min.js",
  "module-no-classes-transpile": "dist/no-classes-transpile/esm/whyDidYouRender.min.js",
  "browser-no-classes-transpile": "dist/no-classes-transpile/umd/whyDidYouRender.min.js"

and now imports similar to

  const whyDidYouRender = require('@welldone-software/why-did-you-render/dist/no-classes-transpile/umd/whyDidYouRender.min.js');

where classes are used without transpilation.

Also, upgraded all packages to their latest version, including rollup v1.1.0.

Support React.createFactory

20 Dec 15:50
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  • Updated all packages on development.
  • Added tests and demos of React.cloneElement and React.createFactory.
  • We found out React.createFactory skipped the monkey patch we apply on React.createElement thus the following code didn't work:
import {lifecycle} from 'recompose';

const PostsList = ({ posts }) => (
  <ul>{ => <li>{p.title}</li>)}</ul>

const PostsListWithData = lifecycle({
  componentDidMount() {
    fetchPosts().then(posts => {
      this.setState({ posts });
PostsList.whyDidYouRender = true;

because lifecycle uses React.createFactory to create it's child which is PostsList in this case: