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Coding Destroy() procs

clusterfack edited this page Dec 22, 2015 · 4 revisions

**This is an essential part of coding an object, or fixing up older code. **


In byond there are two ways to delete an object,

  1. soft deletion - an object with no references is 'garbage collected' quickly and efficiently every 4 ticks in the background by Byond
  2. hard deletion - an object is removed from the game by Byond with a reference to it, this essentially causes Byond to loop through the entire game world looking for references to this object to remove them, this is exceedingly slow

Therefore, we always want to ensure that our object undergoes a soft deletion, by removing all references to it when it gets qdel()-ed, the proc that serves this purpose and gets called by qdel() is Destroy().

How we use it

Destroy() at the basic /atom level functions by moving the location of the object to nullspace so that no turf has a reference to it. However each new child should have a Destroy() proc that:

  • Nulls any new variables of the child that holds a reference to an atom/datum/image
  • Nulls out any references to the object itself, often by having a variable that points to objects that point to it
  • Ensures that the object has nothing in contents when it gets deleted
  • Calls ..(), the parent proc so that each parent Destroy() proc can take care of its own variables for its type