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Kat Morgan

About Me

usrbinkat@honeypot:/# /usr/bin/kat --help
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Hello! I am Kat Morgan, Senior Developer Advocate Community Engineer serving the Pulumi Community.

Welcome to my GitHub! I am an IT Support and Consulting Field Engineer veteran, experienced in Linux, OpenStack, and Kubernetes at scale. I am on a mission to help others write their own open source success story.

Drawing on experiences at Dell > Canonical > Red Hat > Kong > Azure > & Pulumi, I have witnessed some of the most common pain points in Cloud Native platform development and operation, as well as talent pipeline challenges associated with learning and teaching Cloud Native computing.

My origin story begins in the mid west, early 2000’s, when I stumbled on a Red Hat Linux 5.0 book in the STEM section of my local library. If you are interested, ask me about my journey any time!

Today I enjoy living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, enabling the growth of my peers in the Tech industry, and working on my personal project #100DaysOfHomelab for the ContainerCraft project.

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