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84 lines (70 loc) · 2.19 KB

Parallel STL

A bunch of std:: algorithms can now run in parallel, if you request it.

adjacent_difference is_heap_until replace_copy_if
adjacent_find is_partitioned replace_if
all_of is_sorted reverse
any_of is_sorted_until reverse_copy
copy lexicographical_compare rotate
copy_if max_element rotate_copy
copy_n merge search
count min_element search_n
count_if minmax_element set_difference
equal mismatch set_intersection
fill move set_symmetric_difference
fill_n none_of set_union
find nth_element sort
find_end partial_sort stable_partition
find_first_of partial_sort_copy stable_sort
find_if partition swap_ranges
find_if_not partition_copy transform
generate remove uninitialized_copy
generate_n remove_copy uninitialized_copy_n
includes remove_copy_if uninitialized_fill
inner_product remove_if uninitialized_fill_n
inplace_merge replace unique
is_heap replace_copy unique_copy

How do you 'request' it?

C++14 C++17
std::for_each(first, last,
    [](auto & x){ process(x); }
std::copy(first, last, output);
std::sort(first, last);
std::transform(xfirst, xlast, yfirst,
    [=](double xi, double yi){ return a * xi + yi; }
std::for_each(std::execution::par, first, last,
    [](auto & x){ process(x); }
std::copy(std::execution::par, first, last, output);
std::sort(std::execution::par, first, last);
std::transform(std::execution::par_unseq, xfirst, xlast, yfirst,
    [=](double xi, double yi){ return a * xi + yi; }

Execution Policies

std::execution::seq indeterminately sequenced in the calling thread
std::execution::par multiple threads - calls are indeterminately sequenced with respect to each other within the same thread
std::execution::par_unseq multiple threads and may be vectorized - calls are unsequenced with respect to each other and possibly interleaved