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Trusty URI Specification - Version 0

Tobias Kuhn, 20 May 2014,

This document contains version 0 of the specification of the trusty URI approach (previously called hash-URIs). This version is preliminary and not stable.


Hash values of trusty URIs are encoded in Base64 notation with some common modifications for making it safe to use them in URIs and filenames:

Definition 1. Every character that is a standard ASCII letter (A-Z or a-z), a digit (0-9), a hyphen (-), or an underscore (_) is called a Base64 character, representing in this order the numbers from 0 to 63. There are no other Base64 characters.

Trusty URIs have the following structure:

Definition 2. Every trusty URI ends with at least 25 Base64 characters. The sequence of characters following the last non-Base64 character is called the artifact code. The first two characters of the artifact code are called the module identifier. The sequence of characters following the module identifier is called data part, which is identical to or contains a hash part.

The current modules only generate URIs with exactly 45 trailing Base64 characters, but we keep the definition open for future modules.

The first character of the module identifier specifies the type of content and therefore the type of module; the second character is a version number of the module. The main content of the data part is the hash value, but it can also contain other information such as parameters and sub-types. Its concrete structure depends on the module.

As everybody who has access to the respective domain is free to define and use URIs at will, we can only be sure that a certain URI is a trusty URI once we have found and verified a content that matches the hash. For that reason, we need to introduce the concept of a potential trusty URI:

Definition 3. Every URI that could be a trusty URI according to the restrictions of Definition 2, that has a module identifier matching a defined module, and whose data part is consistent with the structural restrictions of the given module (in particular with respect to its length) is called a potential trusty URI.

With these ingredients, trusty URIs can be verified:

Definition 4. Given a potential trusty URI and a digital artifact, if the identifier part refers to an module that returns a hash value for the digital artifact that is identical to the one encoded in the hash part, then the potential trusty URI is a verified trusty URI and the digital artifact is its verified content.

For convenience reasons, we can append a file extension like .txt or .nq to trusty URIs. The resulting URIs are technically no trusty URIs anymore, but it is easy to strip the extension and get the respective trusty URIs. As the hash is located in the final part of the URI, it is straightforward to store it in file names and to deal with it in a local file system without worrying about the first part of the URI. For example:


These files are called trusty files.


There are currently two modules available: RA and FA.

Module FA

Version A of module type F, i.e. module FA, works on the byte content of files.

A hash value is calculated using SHA-256 on the content of the file in byte representation. The file name and other metadata are not considered. Two zero-bits are appended to the resulting hash value, and then transformed to Base64 notation as defined above. The resulting 43 characters make up the data part of the trusty URI.

Empty files, for example, get the following URI suffix:


In general, when adding such a suffix to a URI, it has to be made sure that it is preceded by a non-Base64 character, such as a dot (.), a slash (/), or a hash sign (#).

Module RA

Version A of module type R, i.e. module RA, works on RDF content, possibly covering multiple named graphs.

This module allows for self-references, i.e. the trusty URI itself may appear in the RDF data it represents. URIs consisting of the given trusty URI and a suffix are also supported, such as:

Blank nodes are not supported and have to be skolemized when a trusty URI is produced. For example, blank nodes can be transformed into URIs of the following form:

It is assumed that the data is a set of named RDF graphs. RDF triples without a named graph are considered to belong to a special named graph represented with the empty string.

To check whether a given artifact code c correctly represents a given set of named graphs, first the triples and graphs have to be sorted. Because the trusty URI can appear in the RDF data it represents, all occurrences of c in the URIs have to be replaced by a blank character in a preprocessing step. To determine the order of any two triples, the first applicable rule of the following list is applied:

  1. If their graph URIs differ, the triple with the lexicographically smaller preprocessed graph URI is first.
  2. If their subject URIs differ, the triple with the lexicographically smaller preprocessed subject URI is first.
  3. If their predicate URIs differ, the triple with the lexicographically smaller preprocessed predicate URI is first.
  4. If one has a literal as object and the other has a non-literal, the triple with the non-literal as object is first.
  5. If both have a URI as object, the triple with the lexicographically smaller preprocessed object URI is first.
  6. If the literal labels of the objects differ, the triple with the lexicographically smaller literal label is first.
  7. If one of the object literals has a datatype identifier and the other does not, the triple without a datatype identifier is first.
  8. If one of the object literals has a language identifier and the other does not, the triple without a language identifier is first.
  9. The triple with the lexicographically smaller datatype or language identifier is first.

The lexicographic order is defined on strings of Unicode characters. If two strings have different characters at at least one position, the string with the smaller integer value at the first differing position is first. Otherwise, the shorter string is first.

After the triples have been sorted, a sequence of Unicode characters s is built. For each triple, the serialization of its graph, its subject, its predicate, and its object are added to the end of s, in this order and with a newline character at the end of each of the four. The serialization of graph, subject, and predicate identifiers is simply their preprocessed URI string. Objects that consist of a URI are treated the same way. Literals with a datatype are serialized as a circumflex character (^) followed by the datatype URI, a blank space, and the escaped literal string. Literal strings are escaped by replacing \ by \\ and newline characters by \n. Literals with a language property are serialized as an at-sign @ followed by the language string, a blank space, and the escaped literal string. Other literals are serialized as a hash sign # followed by the escaped literal string.

The actual computation of the hash data is identical to Module F: a SHA-256 hash is generated for s in UTF-8 encoding, two zero-bits are appended, and the result is transformed to Base64 notation.