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2.0 Navigating this documentation

The repository addressed via the URL: contains the file titled,


The above mentioned file is referred to as "The File."

This section explains how to parse The File, provided that the reader has the proper key to open it. The reader might have even chosen to break into it, which is a rather impolite and indecent thing to do, especially when all they needed to do was to formally ask for its key.

The File contains names of individuals from various Canadian agencies along with tangible pieces of evidence concerning the range of statutory crimes, offences, and violations committed by them — against me and other individuals they have persistently targeted, because of their discriminatory prejudices. The lasting and continued ill effects of those grievous transgressions, is also highlighted in each section of The File.

In going through this overall documentation, the reader can remember that usually in any type of scientific literature: the abstract, the conclusion, and the figures tend to provide the most essential pieces of knowledge. So, one may find it beneficial to first navigate to those areas of The File, and then skim through its remaining text and expositions. Also, if a particular topic or concept in the given text seems intriguing, one can find more context and meaning surrounding that topic or precept — by reading the material immediately before and after the section it occurs in, and by independently researching its veracity.

The reader can then navigate to the relevant portion of The File, in any order, using its table of contents, to skim through topics that might be of particular interest to the reader's organisation.

2.1 The Clandestine Motives of Usurpers Within Canadian Institutions

The first thing one could do is to scroll to the very end of The File, and read "Appendix VI, items e.2.xxii to e.2.xxviii, in Section VI.1, from pages 226 to 236."

That portion of The File explains how systemic racism has been incorporated into the core principles and policies, of Canadian public services, since the very inception of the Canadian Constitution. The indelible evidence of Canada's genocidal past, is plainly available for the reader to note and comprehend. The miserably unfortunate truth is that the normalised genocidal crimes of past leadership have corrupted, and thoroughly contaminated — the views, beliefs, and activities of a number of leaders, of Canada's societal systems. The corrupting influence of Edwardian and Victorian era racists, has continued to ruin human ecology. And whenever it is thought that such vile corruption has finally been put to an end, it is discovered that those corrupt elements, were made more clandestine, by merely burying them deeper into the foundations of public service systems.

Next, the reader can navigate to "Appendix VI, item e.2.xxix in Section VI.1, on page 236" of The File, to gain an understanding of how the judiciary was corrupted via the concept of "The Justice of The Peace," to promote the British and Germanic Peonage System. It is evident that the Canadian judiciary has remained an unyielding force for protecting slavery and serfdom, by prejudicially prosecuting marginalized groups of people in Canada. Is it even surprising, or at all unexpected, that illegitimate actions and practices of fiduciary officers have consequently made public services, like the Canadian judiciary, disdain worthy? How can one not have contempt for such a loathsome and condemnable system, that propagates suppression and repression of minorities, through normalised and institutionalised bigotry, using its cultural practices and statutory laws?

It is also plainly evident that supremacists have usurped positions of authority, and have corrupted august institutions within Canada, by copying the examples of European, British, and American imperialists. Those illegitimate and unethical usurpers have been able to then cause planned, as well as coordinated intergenerational harm, to groups they consider racially inferior, or undesirable. They have been able to inflict overt and covert harms upon targeted groups and individuals, by abusing policy and protocol based institutionalised mechanisms, of foundational and fiduciary societal structures.

Canada isn't far from perfect in how its fiduciary institutions operate and function, it is far from requisite honesty, integrity, basic legitimacy, and bare minimum decency.

2.2 The Nefarious Methodologies Used by Corrupt Institutions

Any person trying to defend the position of a judiciary and its choices in allowing a Justice of The Peace in Ontario to sign off on writs that forcibly impose threatening conditions on a targeted person's life, livelihood, relationships, and properties may suggest that I harbour various misconceptions about how the office of The Justice of The Peace has come into existence, and about how it operates within provincial regions like Ontario, Canada.

A Justice of The Peace, especially in Ontario, is distinctly not a proper Judge or a Magistrate of The Law. So, I most certainly do not have any misconceptions, or misunderstandings, about how a community member is appointed by an existing political official, to perform the work of namesake or figurative justices. More importantly, I have no misconceptions on how these types of justices sign off on euphemistically named writs, and bastardised warrants called "Forms," which are then 'legally authorised' for being enforced by armed officers, against innocent victims.

In Canada, the government funded apparatus for passing quick-and-dirty legal judgements, over targeted individuals involves the use of an appointed court officer named Justice of The Peace, who need not be a bona fide judge, or a proper magistrate. A Justice of The Peace is politically appointed and is not required to have higher graduate degrees from a law school. In fact, they aren't even required to have had experience as a lawyer who has passed the jurisdiction's bar examination. Of the hundreds of Justices of Peace currently operating in Ontario, a number of them do have previous experience as practising lawyers, and possess higher degrees from a law school. They might have even been, or are currently lecturers, or professors in a university's law school. However, many of Ontario's Justices of The Peace do not have such qualifications or experiences, and are practically lay-judges with a bare minimum degree and education, in any subject, that might not even be related to the field of law. Such lay-judges are expected to do crucial work concerning fact finding, analysis, and legal decision making that significantly impacts the lives of citizens, residents, as well as non-residents and foreign visitors.

Justices of The Peace in Ontario are also required to make sure that appropriate and correct procedures, are followed thoroughly, by all officers of the court and public service agencies involved in a particular case. This is to ensure that such officers and agents do not violate the rights and liberties of a person being subject to any type of law enforcement action. But how can a lay-judge with bare minimum education and experience, be competent enough to handle such a high risk workload without jeopardising the lives of innocent people?

Also, whenever police officers, or social service workers, need a more experienced signatory and authorising figure for approving enforceable actions, they do tend to find a way to provide case materials and information to an appropriately qualified Justice of The Peace. And whenever a case has to be fast tracked with fabricated, false or shoddy pieces of evidence, a much less conscientious and often inexperienced, yet equally powerful Justice of The Peace, is conveniently found to push the paperwork. This sly apparatus has been used for promoting and propagating the deleterious Anglo-Saxon Peonage System, among Commonwealth Countries, for more than a century.

Such a crooked, and unscrupulous component of the judiciary system, in various Commonwealth Countries, and in the USA, has remained codified via statutes as an instrument and apparatus of the state, from Colonialism, which is still being used for enforcing moral policing of exploited peoples. This normalised bigotry has damaged every part of the world where Colonial Forces have ravaged the land and the seas, along with its peoples, for more than a century. Factually, the office of The Justice of The Peace has been mainly designed for the purpose of depriving and denying basic human rights to persons whose language, clothing, outwardly appearance or behaviour, is somehow seen by the state's indoctrinated agents as: 'disrespectful, abrasive, weird, dishevelled, queer, or unorthodox' — with respect to Anglo-Saxon sentiments inherited from the feudal era.

The way a Justice of The Peace is appointed, proves that 'The Law' follows behind politics, and is subservient to localised, authoritarian political groups.

This is how imperialist forces and certain hypocrites in Canada, continue to pretend that they are different from the moral police of Iran, Russia, or Myanmar, while criticising those countries for being non-democratic, and authoritarian.

So, what should be done about those figurative and namesake justices? Should they be made fit to pass proper and formal examinations of the Bar of a jurisdiction, to be made upright and practising lawyers? And then made to gain sufficiently many years of experience as lawyers, before becoming justices? Would such an amendment to the existing statutes improve the process of how Justices of the Peace become appointed to a post, where they can make or ruin people's lives due to their conduct? Would they be held accountable to better standards, if the minimum qualification required to preside as a Justice of The Peace over a case, was a proper graduate degree in law with a mandated regular membership within a college, or a regulatory body, that governs their codes of conduct? Should justices have appropriate questioning, reasoning, and literary skills with proper legitimacy based on the highest standards of The Law of a country?

Maybe the answer to each of the above questions is a simple yes. But there isn't going to be a change in how the concept of a Justice of The Peace is used, misused and abused within Canada, any time soon.

To learn more about the types of widespread genocidal harms being done by the existing, illegitimate and unethical system of legal frameworks being used in countries like Canada, would require one to properly research the topic of "Justice of The Peace," in order to comprehend how its fundamental flaws and errors happen to arise due to the way a number of ordinary community members with bare minimum qualifications become politically appointed and deputised as officers of the court. Such ordinary persons could not have otherwise passed any jurisdiction's bar examinations, at the time of being appointed and deputised as quasi-judges, or quasi-magistrates. And yet, they are given the powers to pass judgment on crucial matters concerning healthcare, tort, and equity via an officious title of, The Justice of The Peace. This is how the Justices of The Peace are merely used for supplying an air of legal or rightful legitimacy, to state-sponsored acts of repression and aggression, via the abuse of medical systems in the form of punitive medicine, that is forcibly and unethically administered against dissidents, homeless youth, peoples of colour, non-binary gendered persons, and especially against any — 'rowdy men, and unruly women' — without the due process of proper civil, or criminal court proceedings.

Additionally, The File provides further details on the dubiousness of such a judiciary system. It also provides hard evidence — with names and designations of perpetrators — showing how fabricated pieces of evidence can be constantly changed, even months after a legal writ has already been enforced, upon being authorised by a Justice of The Peace. This type of a malfeasance is carried out so that the illegitimate narrative used by enforcement agencies, for obtaining an authorisation for an unworthy warrant, can be retroactively made to seem just and fair, by changing the recorded reasons and procedures, that were used as justifications for authorising the warrant in the first place.

These legalised scams and fraudulent procedures stemming from a corrupted judiciary, are mainly done to circumvent the filing of appropriate proofs, records, justifications, and proper pieces of evidence that would be needed for authorising a legal writ, for legitimate law enforcement activities. Especially within the context of Canadian territorial boundaries, it can be argued that this type of a regime, only promotes slavery and serfdom by selectively appointing Justices of The Peace via cronyism and nepotism. Typically, such cronies and kins, are more willing and able to frequently participate in the culturally normalised scams, and unethical practices of the law enforcement industry. However, the most deplorable aspect of this regime is in its use of punitive medicine for political purposes and religious oppression.

Enforcement of any sense of law and order via punitive medicine, trickery, duress, torment, torture, and illegitimate detention of private individuals, especially within medical facilities that are used as substitute jails — is absolutely cruel, degrading, and inhumane. Such state-sponsored malicious tactics and methods have been, and are still being used in Canada as a means of repression, and as a clandestine method of subverting people's basic and individual rights to civil liberties and religious freedoms. The use of subversively administered narcotics and duress for the purposes of forced religious conversion or humiliation of non-Christians within healthcare facilities of Canada, is a particularly grotesque, disturbing and horrendous offence that grievously violates every aspect of human rights, decency, and dignity of the subjugated person.

All such violations of The Human Rights Charter, are ongoing, and haven't been rectified or even curtailed in any sensible manner. So, can Canada honestly claim that it genuinely cares about, and appropriately upholds the human rights of people within its ward? How? How can it possibly make such a claim when its deceitful violations are brazenly directed, in a coordinated manner, through its public service units? The disrespectful and contemptuous attitude it harbours and incubates among its institutions, against vulnerable human beings, simply cannot be hidden or overlooked by the international community.

Organised and institutionalised crimes of bigoted nature, outlast the increasing number of victims, the suffering survivors, uncorrupted supervisory officers of legitimate departments, and even the perpetrators of such crimes. These types of crimes continue, by multiplying and spreading wide scale intergenerational harm to larger sections of the world.

An organised crime syndicate can indeed outlive its members who perpetrate crimes by indoctrinating new members to perpetuate and further propagate its culture of normalised malice against innocent victims. The only way to prevent organised crimes is to completely remove the malicious and vile elements from the deleterious organisation, or to thoroughly dismantle the criminal organisation as a whole — especially when such a dishonourable and harmful cartel, with its colluding members, is able to masquerade as a fair and just fiduciary institution.

Such unabated criminality only serves to blight all of humanity!

Most significantly, when the syndicated malice is in the form of war crimes, genocidal activities, and crimes against humanity — conducted by multinational corporations, sovereign states, or by city-states — the only remaining option to prosecute such a large scale criminal organisation, is to pursue the course of justice through every economic, industrial, and military action that is legally warranted and viable. However, such actions can only be taken correctly and rightfully by an autonomous agency, that has resoundingly good moral rectitude and proper legitimacy, along with much greater firepower, efficacy, fitness, and speed than the criminal regime that needs to be prosecuted.

2.3 Moving Forward Towards Genuine Peace, Restoration, and Restitutions

Cunningly implemented restrictions and statutes of limitations, that diminish or block remedies for state-sponsored crimes, are an integral part of the existing malice enacted via prejudiced authoritarian groups. These types of entrenched authoritarian groups are still supported, and protected by Canada's federal and provincial governments.

So, the reader is recommended to view Appendix VI, item, in Section VI.1, on page 233, of The File, which explains the demands of the situation at hand. These demands aren't merely the needs, wishes or wants of a survivor of Canada's human rights violations, and institutionalised bigotry. They are the demands of all such survivors and bereaved as well as betrayed individuals, who have a right to legal remedies, restitutions, and to awards of punitive damages.

Here, it is the situation that has power via the options it presents, not me. Only when we abide by the situation's power do we have a chance to survive, or even flourish, by following through with its demands for restitution and closure. Or else, we are likely to become thoroughly embroiled in strife and warfare, because the situation could simply guide us, and lead us into that foreboding eventuality.

One may now want to deeply meditate on the concepts of strife and warfare, from an anthropological and historical perspective, to understand how private individuals as non-state actors have had to necessarily take up defensive measures, in order to ward off state-sponsored threats, abuses, and murderously terrorising activities. Underhanded agents directed under the aegis of malicious and specious authority figures, need to be punished by the legal and rightful efforts of well-educated denizens of the world.

An individual's right to protect their life, dignity, character and honour, takes primacy and becomes imperative above all other social needs, when these foundational constructs of one's personhood are imperilled, by hostile or beguiling forces. This is mainly because: without life, dignity, and honour, one cannot have the basic physical and moral capacity needed to participate in any form of a legitimately organised society.

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