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102 lines (63 loc) · 3.73 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (63 loc) · 3.73 KB



sfdx auth web login -r -a \<alias>      # authorize sandbox
sfdx auth web login -r -a \<alias>     # authorize playground or production-org
sfdx auth logout -o \<alias>


sfdx config list
sfdx config set target-org=\<alias>                            # set default Scratch Org username
sfdx config set -g target-org=\<alias>                         # set default Scratch Org username globally

Create a Scratch Org

sfdx project generate -x -n myProject && cd myProject
cat config/project-scratch-def.json | jq '. += {"language": "en_US"}' > tmp; mv tmp config/project-scratch-def.json
sfdx org create scratch -f config/project-scratch-def.json -y 30 -v DevHub -a scratch1
sfdx org open -o scratch1
sfdx org delete scratch -o scratch1


Package based Deployment

sfdx force source deploy -x manifest/package.xml --checkonly -u \<alias>
nodemon --watch force-app --ext "cls,xml,js,html" --exec "sfdx force source deploy -m LightningComponentBundle:\*,ApexClass:\*"

Deploy Validate

sfdx force source deploy -x manifest/package.xml -u b2bdevqa -l RunSpecifiedTests -r \`cat scripts/test/unit-test-list.txt | awk '{ printf("%s", $0) }'\` -c --verbose

Quickstart Salesforce DX Project:

echo '{"packageDirectories": [{"path": "force-app"}]}' > sfdx-project.json
mkdir force-app
sfdx config set defaultusername=\<alias>
sfdx org open
code .
sfdx force source deploy -p force-app

Debug Log

sfdx apex log tail -c -s -o \<org>
script -q /dev/null sfdx apex log tail -c -s -o \<org> | tee debug.log


Get Metadata Type Names

sfdx org list metadata-types | jq -r '.metadataObjects[].xmlName'
sfdx org list metadata-types | jq -r '.metadataObjects[] | if (.childXmlNames | length) == 0 then .xmlName else .childXmlNames[] end'

Get Metadata Type Members

sfdx force mdapi listmetadata -m \<name> | jq -r '.[].fullName'

Retrieve Metadata of one Type Member

sfdx project retrieve start -m \<name>:\<member>

Generate Incremental Deployments Manifests

sfdx sgd source delta -f develop -o .
sfdx sgd source delta -f HEAD~1 -t HEAD -o .
sfdx force source deploy -x package/package.xml --postdestructivechanges destructiveChanges/destructiveChanges.xml


Get Fields of an Object

sfdx sobject list -s custom                                                                           # list all custom objects [all|custom|standard]
sfdx sobject describe -s \<obj> | jq '.fields[].name' | paste -sd, -                                   # list all field names of \<obj> comma-separated
sfdx sobject describe -s \<obj> | jq -r '.fields[] | "\(.label),\(.name),\(.type)"' | column -t -s,    # list all field names, labels and type of \<obj> in a table

Get Records of an Object

sfdx data query -q "SELECT \`sfdx force schema sobject describe -s User | jq -r '.fields[].name' | paste -sd, -` FROM User" -r csv

SOQL Queries

sfdx data query -q "SELECT Name FROM Site" -r csv

Apex Unit Test

sfdx apex run test -l RunAllTestsInOrg -c -r human -y                            # run all test in org and display code coverage
sfdx apex run test -n MyClassTest -c -r human -y                                 # run a specific test class

B2B Theme

(cd frontend && npm run frontend:build)
sfdx force source deploy -m StaticResource:b2bTheme
sfdx force source deploy -m AuraDefinitionBundle:b2bTheme

nodemon -w frontend -e "scss" -x "(cd frontend && npm run frontend:build:deploy)"

Experience Builder

sfdx community publish -n \<site> -o \<org>                                        # publish site