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Releases: tboothman/imdbphp


21 Jan 22:57
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  • Fix Title::locations(), Title::crazy_credits() and Title::trailers(). None were returning any results.
  • Fixed TitleSearchAdvanced when it received TV results on linux. It wasn't using UTF-8 so the hyphen between start and end year was showing an odd character in the results.
  • Dropped the second (completely ineffective) parameter to Title::trailers()


14 Dec 19:25
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Fix bootstrap.php from trying to load a now deleted file


10 Dec 22:16
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  • Fixed Title::country() and Title::language() and Title::languages() #73
  • Stopped using an old url for videosites (now merged into /externalsites) #72
  • Removed MoviePosterDb::Movie. It didn't work anyway


16 Oct 21:12
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  • Started using curl for all http(s) requests. Imdb started using https for their images which caused #65, which caused #70. Since the only fix there was to use curl I decided to use curl for everything to keep it simple. The new code is completely compatible but requiring a new extension is a possibly breaking change, hence a major version change to 5.0.
  • Fixed Title::composer() for so it worked for TV shows. #66


14 Sep 19:32
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  • Fixed Title::savephoto(), which broke due to imdb moving their images be served with SSL
  • Fixed Title::country(),Title::language() and Title::languages()
  • Fixed \Imdb\TitleSearchAdvanced, which stopped working due to a redesign


21 Jul 19:31
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The constructor for all classes now accept a replacement logger and cache, which should give you more flexibility when integrating this into your projects.
The logger must conform to the PSR-3 logger interface and the cache to \Imdb\CacheInterface which simply has get, set and purge methods.
Thanks to @yyanavichus for the cache code.

New \Imdb\Title constructor:

public function __construct($id, Config $config = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null, CacheInterface $cache = null)


17 Jul 19:13
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Removed the new text imdb added for empty episode plots in Title::episodes() #58


04 Jul 23:45
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Backwards incompatible changes:

  • Removed \Imdb\Title::setId() and \Imdb\Person::setid(). Allowing the ID to be mutated was odd functionality and there were almost certainly some bugs if you did it.

New functionality:

  • IMDb IDs can now be integers, 7 digit padded numbers, URLs, or tt0000000 formatted.
  • Try to create the cache folder if it does not exist. #32
  • Add ability to replace inbuilt logger. Added the PSR-3 LoggerAwareInterface to all classes and made the logger PSR-3 compatible.

Other changes:

  • Increase the default page cache time from 1 hour to 1 week
  • Change the default domain for imdb to instead of as akas no longer returns titles in english or returns more results for akas.
  • Remove the maxResults config key. It had no effect on the search requested from IMDb only limited the results returned from the search.
  • Removed the old broken trailers class


17 Apr 13:42
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  • Merge \Imdb\Person::movie_actor and \Imdb\Person::movie_actress into \Imdb\Person::movie_actor. It was a confusing separation that I doubt any library users cared about.
  • Add 'title_type' to filmography results in \Imdb\Person d6e0e7c
  • Add the demo/images folder to the git repo.


01 Feb 20:19
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  • Fix Title::get_episode_details() which broke in the imdb redesign.
  • Add Title::episodeTitle(), Title::episodeSeason(), Title::episodeEpisode(), Title::episodeAirDate() which add more information for episodes of a tv show.
  • Exception\Http now has a HTTPStatusCode field.